Sunday, February 12, 2012


Snacks and the Grammy Awards tonight. Didn't feel like cooking so I ran up the street to Winn-Dixie and bought dog food for the babies, snacks for me, and enjoyed the show. My girl won. I had heard Adele and mentioned it to Lori so I have had the CD since Christmas to say nothing of its being played almost constantly on the radio down here. The more I see of her the more I like her. I enjoyed the show. The production values were very good though I have to confess, I am coasting into fuddy-duddy land. There were many artists who were unknown to me. I am still able to enjoy it all-even the novelties of the edgier stuff. I hear myself echoing Grandma's words "Well, forever more!"

I retrieved an avocado tree that my up-the -street-neighbor offered me. He planted it from seed. The one he planted three years ago is a beautiful little tree. Mine has some buggy spots so I sprayed it and am waiting to see how it does before I make a hole in the yard.

Cool mornings make for longer walks. I have taken the starch out of the hounds two mornings in a row. Get them pooped out literally and figuratively.
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Friday, February 10, 2012

Got the Drizzlies

Florida has as many varieties of rain as Wyoming has of snow. Sometimes it drops in sheets, sometimes in a drizzle, sometimes it is barely discernible as it was this morning. We have been fortunate in finding breaks to get our walks in. Yesterday we were half lucky and returned pretty damp-not so much me as I have a nylon windbreaker with an umbrella in its pocket for just such occasions. Wet dogs for sure. They enjoyed a vigorous toweling off.  Their wet feet made it a good day for cleaning house. It was a good day for cooking too. Made a couple of pans of tater-tot casserole and sent one home with Jason. Comfort food day with rain on the roof.  Nice. Jason has stayed busy while Lori and Sharon are cruising on Norwegian Epic. He has some kind of business deal brewing.

I like to follow the kid's cruises by the "bridge cams" - The Epic is here

I had a nightmare early this morning-Nightmare in the Senior Citizen genre:  I was searching frantically for a restroom. Fortunately I woke up. Slept three more hours in contentment.

Monday, February 6, 2012

So Long, Farewell, It's Time to Say Goodbye

Drenching, quenching rain today. We needed it and a lazy day inside was enjoyable.  Gary Willis' Celebration of Life was Saturday. Jason and I went. The girls were packing for their cruise. Neighbors Mariela, Steve and Marcia engineered a wonderful reception  at Steve and Mariela's waterfront home for the celebrants of Gary's life. An enjoyable farewell in the sprit of the honoree. I made myself useful by bartending- mostly Mimosas, and Bloody Marys- not too challenginng, but the volume was pretty good.  Jason took the girls to Miami to board the Norwegian Epic.

Sunday Nicole and Andre came to me in answer to an invitation. They will be leaving John Prince Park next Sunday. So I got things "company clean," and prepared drinks and canape's. Andre hooked his computer up to my big screen T.V. and we watched some of the 2000 pictures they took during their 44 days in Europe last Fall. There were some great shots and I enjoyed the pictures very much. I took them to Hot Tomatoe (sic), my neighborhood Italian Bistro. They always remember me there and we got the royal treatment. The food is excellent.  Whether this was "bon voyage" or" farewell" only time will tell. They are leaving two months early and going to south Texas. Andre thinks Portugal might be a good place to spend next winter. So a send-off was in order. I hope I will see them again.

I had a great time and didn't mind having my Superbowl watching limited to the last 11 minutes.

Jason got word that Lori's grandmother Grange had passed away at age 93 in White Deer, Texas. Lori can't eascape her cruise even if she is inclined but she called her dad and mom. Jason is making the Pampa residence available to travelers and a big flower arrangement will appear for the service. So goodbye Mamaw-you were a great lady. Handsome and great kids, you had.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Wiseacre to the last...

Gary A. Willis Obituary: View Gary Willis's Obituary by Sun-Sentinel: Willis, Gary A., 65 of Deerfield Beach passed away February 1, 2012. Gary wants his family and friends to know he lived a long, full, and happy life. He is survived by his loving family, wife, Vicki Willis; children Dawn Muhleman, Rachel Willis, Sean Willis; grandson, Kyle Muhleman; brother, Roger Willis; brother-in-law Mike Bowen; mother in law Judy Bowen; Nephews, Roger Willis, Michael Bowen; Niece Lisa Willis; many cousins; former wife, Cheryl Stockamp; Dear Friends, Ken Durnen, Terra Ottman; Tiger, Max, Peter, Lucy, Thomas. Celebration of life will be 9:30 a.m. Saturday, February 4, 2012 at KRAEER-BECKER FUNERAL HOME, 217 E. Hillsboro Blvd, Deerfield Beach, FL.

Jason's neighbor Gary Willis passed away after a coma at Cleveland Clinic. He had terrible pneumonia last year and his lungs were shot (get those pneumonia shots folks!). He was a funny man-an acerbic wit. He did enjoy his life. The holiday "Train Party" was kind of subliminally "a last Hurrah." The wiseacre part is "Tiger, Max, Peter, Lucy, and Thomas" are his former pets!  Sneaking them in an obituary is just the kind of thing that would tickle him.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lori's Birthday

Several of her friends, including Sharon who flew in from Phoenix for the event, (and a cruise they will take on Saturday) gathered at Cafe Max for fabulous food and a few laughs. Dogs are welcome at this Mizner Park venue (ritzy) so Juneau got in on momma's birthday. Click on the pix so you can see the text. (If you are so inclined)

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