Monday, January 28, 2013

Deerfield Beach Artfest with Juneau

A beautiful day at the Beach-dogs allowed today.


Chopsticks Already!

Island noodles all around.

A Sunday outing with the kids, their houseguest, Brandon, the O.F. and Juneau. My pups stayed home. We have been having gorgeous weather-cool fronts making thngs very temperate-even causing overshirts to make their appearance.  Juneau led us right to the food court and visited several vendors. Grampy sprung for a BBQ pork sandwich and Juneau got his bites. Island noodles and other good things too numerous to mention or sample were all around us. The artisans are getting stiff-necked about people taking photographs of their work. So I did not take many.  Didn't buy anything either. 

It was great being out on the beach and amongst the teeming throngs-people watching is GREAT down here. Unfortunately I started to "run out of gas" before the adventure was over. Jason kindly fetched the car while Lori sat with me. A nap later I was rested. I will look forward to getting "fixed."- not THAT way but heartwise.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Holding Pattern

"The Procedure" to rewire me has been moved again-Dr. Rosman is more comfortable with the "lab" at Delray Medical. Lord knows I want him to be comfortable! So we wait until February 12. Meanwhile my body has seemingly adjusted to a lot of the new normal and goes pretty much as as I like it to do. We are getting in two walks a day, though not as long as we previously took, we log about a mile per day. "Stooping to scoop" causes a little postural syncope but I haven't toppled yet.

Tasks are getting done-mostly maintenance but some forward progress too.  A long lost cousin contacted me in regard to the family history and that has been kind of fun. It rekindled my interest. She is a long yakker on the phone (2 plus hours) which I am less than enthusiastic about but is an interesting person. She is moving the story back into the old country better than has been done.  Valerie is both a rider and a writer. horse and screenplays.  She was right next to Francis Ford Coppola when he was filming Apocalypse Now. He would dictate and she would type. She has some stories to tell!

I will go to John Prince Park this week. I am hearing from some of my old friends and will go to visit.   I need to get off my duff and do some stuff-take some pictures.  I have been all inward: reading and viewing.  At this point it seems a little useless- lots of knowledge in there and nobody to listen to it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Broken Distributor Cap

Life has gone on since I last blogged-very nice holidays and lots of fun.  The fall I have mentioned in addition to hurt bones and muscle, fractured a lead on my fancy heart device. For awhile I would be perking along and then all of a sudden "run out of gas," then need to sit or nap. I made a regular appointment with my Electrophysiologist for a routine checkup and they discovered the atrial lead  was working only when I held my arm and mouth in just the right way. Since then it has quit entirely. I am back to my own devices and a pulse rate of 45-50 bpm as opposed to my paced rate of 70.   So a "procedure" was scheduled and I went into the Boca hospital and was out on the operating table and they took a picture.  Seems my ventricular leads were both in the right chamber.  The fix for the atrial lead was to add a new one and leave the old wire in place. Three leads would have clogged the pipe too much. So I am now scheduled for a procedure that includes a cardiac surgeon who goes in and removes the old wires and implants new ones.  Have to go to Holy Cross hospital for that on the 28th of January. Friend Bonnie who types medical reports say this procedure is common and mostly successful.

Meanwhile I am in no distress but am running about "half." Tire easily, get light headed, but can conduct most of the activities of daily living.  I was really kind of relieved to find there was something wrong because I spent most of the fall thinking I was just failing-the curtain was falling or this old chassis was headed for the junk yard.  There may be a more lively chapter or two ahead.