Monday, May 24, 2010


After weekend excitement, I started on my list. The excitement was Tye Eric went missing. Lenore Collins braved Honey's protests to come to my house, Kristy and Daryne were in my driveway and she was hysterical. Tye is a handsome and active little guy and you would not know anything was wrong unless you tried to converse with him or supervise him. He has some skills, like driving and riding motorcycles which are unusual for a seven year old but he was plagued by petit-mal seizures for the first six years of life and speech and verbal cognition are very poor. Thus he has almost no impulse control and very poor conversational skills. He was found. His folks have their hands full.

Jeanne, dear Jeanne, is obsessing about Therese and Rene. I managed to keep the Skype messaging down to 30 minutes today. "Ain't it Awful" is a game that goes nowhere. It always ends up about her.

Occasionally I declare a "crap day." Everything I have been dreading is done at once. First on the list was settling up for Buster's final expenses and collecting his ashes. A little plastic box. I was fine until I got to the van and Honey was on the console wagging and sniffing for Buster. She was so excited. I crashed. It was a grey rainy day and I got a gut ache. We went home. Tomorrow will be another crap day. Off to the Fort to pay the irrigation-I do that in person because they lost my check one year and it turned ugly.

Eventually there will be another dog in our lives-maybe. It will probably find us. Honey really needs a buddy but for right now I am so pleased with her growth. She is much more affectionate, enjoys a pat or a rub and a nightly before-sleep snuggle. She is pretty independent-in fact she was coyote guarding this morning but with the cold weather the door is closed a lot and I hear a little whimper, go to the door and she is already in the yard with a toy-wants some playtime. I oblige and she really is pretty creative. Loves to be chased, tug of war, keepaway, and takes a lot of breaks for reassuring pats. She makes me laugh. She has a sense of humor. Her receptive vocabulary is growing. She is sticking closer to home. If she does wander it is down in the pasture where it is fine.

There was a young coyote in the lower pasture this morning. Honey alerted and we watched for awhile. I almost felt sorry for it. The curious calves would scamper toward it and it would retreat. Honey made a foray. Some ravens were chasing it. It was having a crap day of its own.