Sunday, October 17, 2010


The trip to Oregon was in beautiful weather, the scenery was gorgeous if you like the wide open spaces and I do. It will go down as the worst trip ever and I will regale with the sad tale when I have a full-size keyboard.

Meanwhile all goes apace here in Oregon. Namee and Audrey made Audrey's first apple pie today. Cheryl, Matt and Audrey, Eve and I had dinner tonight at Eve's- delicious parmesan chicken and pesto pasta, salad and apple pie. It was very pleasant- all charming members of nuclear families that exploded.
In other good news, Cheryl was re-called to Harry and David's- same job as before but as a "temp." Matt is face-lifting his home. Lots of work in progress. The weather here is about a month behind Wyoming' s: beautiful late summer days. More later...
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