Friday, March 18, 2011


Up to Boca Raton Hospital at 5:30 this morning. Shaved, oxygenated, but they had a hard time getting I.V.'s in me. Two tries by one nurse, a third by another and they called for Ken who succeeded first try. I had to have two procedures. The first one sent a tube down my throat to take echocardiograms of my atrium to check for clots which could dislodge and end my days or make me a vegetable. That one must have been O.K. because they proceeded to do the Cardioversion with my device. I was told all went well, fed some breakfast, allowed to dress, pushed in a wheelchair to the front door where Lori was just pulling up. I was feeling just fine, not woozy or anything so she dropped me at my car and followed me home. All went well.
Aside from being a human pincushion, it went very well. Now we will see how long it lasts. I hope for a good long time.