Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spontaneity and not

Steve is animated-very funny

Spur of the moment Thursday Jason got a text from Steve: "oyster bake at his house at 7:00, would we be interested?" We were working on washing and re-finishing my fence and thought this invitation an excellent idea. Small party-an Italian couple, Ricardo, a bike rider, and Mariela, Stephen and Jason. The Italian couple, being Italian, brought food-steaks and baked potatoes, I brought fruit, cheese, bread and devilled eggs. Voila! A feast on the water with no particular notice. Fun.

Ricardo and Bob

Blossoms on my neighbor's tree.

Easter Sunday was not all that spontaneous. I was ready to cook Easter dinner for we three humans and assorted dogs but the time was not set in stone. I had it all done by 1:00. Pork roast, bread, pan baked spuds, carrots, gravy, applesauce, salad-and it turned out good! I haven't lost the knack but it seemed a little more labored. Part of what keeps the kids coming over is the fact I have sidewalks and Juneau likes to walk on them with his buddies. I colored eggs for Juneau's Easter Egg Hunt- he really is good at it. The doggies are very entertaining and keep me moving on the days I don't have cardio-rehab. And I enjoy seeing the kids always. They are wonderful people.
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