Monday, June 6, 2011

There and Here

Janet sent me some pix from this year's branding-they are excellent and sure gave me a twinge of homesickness. She said it was 92 degrees there yesterday which is a disaster waiting to happen. Snow pack is like 300 percent of normal and if it all comes down at once-watch out! Here in Florida, the rainy season/hurricane season has failed to materialize. We need some wet!

Janet and her mount

My van was a non-starter yesterday. It clicked just fine. After I charged the battery it clicked even better. I called AAA Automotive this morning. They recommended "It's About You" towing. So I called him. He was very competent-pushed the darn van with his body to line up for loading. The van took a ride (not very far). $50 cash. I called AAA and told them I would like the van checked out and the oil changed as well as fixing what ailed it. They called back around noon and said it needed a new battery-$155.00. I told them I had never paid that for a battery before but reluctantly agreed to it. I called around 3:00 and they said it was ready to go. I hoofed it down there. The total bill was $155! New battery, dignostics, oil change. I was happy to pay. I'll go back.

I didn't make it to the gym today. I awoke late and was having coffee and checking email. I felt a tap, tap, tap on my shoulder. Mr Bud,-Bud was standing on my recliner telling me it was time to go. So we went. Then I read a book- a Dick Francis mystery. Walked down to get my Van, took the doggies on a good walk tonight so I got my exercise.