Tuesday, September 13, 2011


You may have to click on this photo to see the rain but I am telling you it was impressive. Just the day before I had put a canopy over the two tarps already on the patio frame. Mixed results-the original tarp had a blister that held water and drip irrigated my plants. The blister popped and the patio was awash. Jason came over afterwards and parts of the original tarp were hanging down. I told him no one else had a patio cover like mine and he belly laughed. He is very sweet - Mr. Do It Right meets Mr. Make-do. Since he is re-carpeting the project house next door I asked for remnants of the old carpets. He cut them to order and delivered them- said it would keep me out of the dumpsters! I had to laugh at that one-because it is true!

So I have a carpeted garage and some carpeting for the RV- I have always covered the carpets in it to preserve them. Keeping busy doing projects. The mulching is done for now-I doubt that mulching is ever completely done. Jason continues to demonstrate craftsman skills. We hung a ceiling fan and cleared carpets. He powerwashed the garage. Tommy painted it today. He is nearly done. This is Tommy the handyman, not neighbor Tommy whose bid came in at $6000.00 which was about double what Tommy the handyman is charging. Some neighbors we have! The economy down here is rugged but some of these folks need to wake up.

I have been reading quite a bit when it gets too hot outside. Very enjoyable. Mostly old books because they are often "free. ninety nine." As long as I haven't read them-or forgot that I read them, I am happy with them. We also have ongoing Word games on the web. Networking with family is mostly what I do. The games are a little bit addictive. Win some. lose some.

I have to check in with some friends-Natrona County High School's reunion this August. Fiftieth, I believe. I want to get the scoop. How bad do they really look? Just tell me about the ones that look worse than I do. The lucky genes were apparent at the Fortieth -many others were unrecognizable. This is the way of the world.
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