Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Hail the Olympics

It seems the opening of the Olympics was a spectacle to behold-at least the Internet tells me so.Since the advent of digital TV, NBC doesn't reach the heart of the reservation. Similarly, the Web  connection is marginal. I sent back the Samsung unopened as I discovered that instead of  replacing the WiFi device that  wasn't usable, they upgraded my most ancient cell phone for two years. I am going to drop some lines under the new plan. When they were $10.00 apiece it was one thing. Now it is another. By waiting until October, I can make some economies.

The weather has been perfect. Occasionally I have to layer up due to coolness. It is also cozy to put my blanket up to cover my shoulders when I go to bed. Buddy is a snuggler and we warm each other. Honey is on semi-duty-on the back porch barking through the night when alerting. She joins us late in the night. I am sleeping well though I ran a deficit this week and slept most of the 26th away-seems it was a prelude to a bug which has thankfully gone on its way.

With the irrigation waters come the mosquitos. I am going to fog today because the evenings are ruined by them.

I am making decent progress on the dunging out. Not spectacular, but steady. I at least have a vision of how I would like it to turn out.

Two or three times a week I venture to town. I coordinate my time to take advantage of the Senior early bird special at Archer's buffet. I can round out my diet with green stuff and other varieties for $6.37. Haven't been to the Casino for my freebies yet. I will start this Tuesday.  Mr Brown and Ms. Friday from the tribe were here to get my approval of the new road. As they will spare all the trees on my side of the fence, I said "go for it."

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Great Day

Mike and Diana decided they wanted to cook at home for our Friday evening. Mike cooked on the grill: pork loin chops, mixed grill veggies-so good I over-ate of them, mangoes, salad- with Greek and avocado overtones, bread, wine.  This served in their sanctuary. They have done so many neat things to their home which overlooks Ocean Lake on one side, the Owl Creek mountains from their dining room. and the Wind River range from their picture window. Their foliage is mature, their outdoor spaces inviting. They  have been busy. So nice to see them enjoying retirement though they are still keeping a hand in-Mike is consulting and Diana has a third book in incubation. She and Mike did a promotional video that is very professional.

With a glow on from this encounter, I made my way back across the rez and as I passed Ethete, I said "Whoa, what is going on over there?"  The Northern Arapaho tribe was hosting a powwow. I went. I did not have an optimum camera for night photos but I tried. I do love a powwow. Watched three specialty dances, the tiny tots, and a giveaway before a grand Inter-tribal. This was a stroke of luck-the Northern Arapahos always "counter-program." They have their shindigs when there are other attractions for the looky-lous. Riverton was hosting a car show as part of Rendezvous days.

Now it is Sunday and after a "Charles Kuralt" hour on the deck, I commit this to you.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life on the rez

For the doubters of genetics, I offer this photo of my sister in law, Nan, her daughter Bragg, and my former wife Eve taken in Denver a little over a week ago.  Nan's car has been repaired by GEICO at their service center for about what I thought it should have cost when I gave her cash.  About half of the independent body shop estimates. They will get it tomorrow. I hope it is satisfactory and that will end this unhappy episode. Galen and Nan have been peaches about the whole thing.

Honey is on the back porch barking attesting to her feeling better. Her wounds are healing. She is being good about the pills this time but hides from the topical medicine which is mixed up according to a secret formula by a Native American here on the rez. It is good stuff- they gave me some for Buddy when he was injured and I used it myself.

We walked the top 40 today. I realized in Wal-Mart yesterday that I needed to get on the walking path again. The dogs go without leashes and have a good time. They amuse me so it is good for us all. Feglers have put culverts in some strategic places so it easier for a senior citizen to walk down there without  getting in water or mud. Of course they put them in to facilitate getting the hay wagon down there.

The  mifi internet connection continued to give me fits so I called Verizon tech assistance and ended up getting  a new phone which also acts as a wireless hub. I think the new plan is going to save me money besides. Greg asked me if I remembered the old phones that were on the kitchen wall and cost $19.00 per month. Of course I do. Greg and Lew are having a good summer in upstate New York.. They decided they were going to fatten a couple of cows-the cows went to the state land-11000 acres.  Stay tuned.

Received email from Andre and Nicole. They are have a good summer on Lake Champlain. Good weather this year.

Talked to Dennis and Ida-they took their critters to Story. WY for a vacation.

Matt called-we had a good visit. He is getting a lot of good veggies from his garden and is enjoying cooking them creatively. Facebook is a boon in his case because he uses it and it  gives us something to talk about
instead of "whatcha been doin'."

Had a pretty good chat with Jason as he was close to home in Florida. This trip TX to FLwas like our trip out in reverse. Big rains in Florida. He is still not well and did the trip in two days. He says he is going to the doctor. We'll see.

Going out to dinner with long time friends Mike and Diana on Friday. Looking forward to that!
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Crap Day

Jason called-he has had about of pleurisy that the doc- in- the- box in Pampa seems to be curing. I hate that he got sick. It sounded very painful. He told me that my sister-in-law had contacted him about her car door and the cost was in excess of $2000.00. I had estimated about $1000.00 and was paying for it out of pocket. So I changed tack and submitted it to GEICO and so far it has sailed smoothly.  When the next premium comes due-we will see.

Honey got mugged by two big dogs who were definitely in her territory. Thayne came down after that and was coincidentally observing those dogs. I thought they were the Delaunay's dogs but he could see their dogs where they were supposed to be. He is missing a calf and has suspicions of these marauding dogs.  Trip to the vet and $376.00 later...that included shots for them both. Honey is still sore and out of it from the anaesthetic. I have a couple of .410 shells with those dog's names on them. Won't kill them but it will give them a stinging lesson. I am glad I took her to the vet-the only sore I could see was on her front shoulder. Her hind end  was seriously bitten. There is so much fur there I would have missed it.Pills and liniment for days to come. Crap!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Getting settled on the old homestead

A place has a way of getting into your blood (soul?, heart?). This place is mine. So thrilling to sit on the deck with morning coffee and view the countryside.  Although the town seems  more prosperous and some attention is being paid to aesthetics, the contrast between here and Florida is a bit of a jolt-I am so fortunate to have both in my life.

I have been a busy bee. I had to get my loppers and trim trees to gain access to the house without poking out an eye.  I had to cut weeds to make sure my van's exhaust didn't set fire to them. The well started right up but I am in the process of sterilizing it. We are drinking bottled water. I left the place in a mess and the good fairies did not come. Too much stuff-ten pounds of mud in a five pound sack. I'm playing "pitch till you win." The weather has been cooler than  I am used to so I was in no hurry to take the swamp cooler out of mothballs. But yesterday, instead of the storm it appeared to be, we got a "dry thunderstorm" and the temperature spiked with the warm, strong winds. Swamp cooler installed.

Rich came to town and we had lunch-very nice.. Feglers trucked their cows to the summer range above Dubois yesterday which allows the pastures down here to be irrigated. So I helped Thayne clear ditches. Honey and Buddy barked at the rising water and then played in it-so funny to watch and it made them feel good and wild with play. Thayne is banged up. He was spraying weeds in the pasture and the bull that is down here servicing 21 heifers, is a bit of a pet. Thayne scratched his head a couple of times then the bull tossed his head and threw him four feet. Face and ribs bruised to purple. He got checked out and was given painkillers but he is still hurting. Yawning or sneezing causes agony.

The Internet has been problematic. My wifi doesn't work for beans. I am connected  now by tethering my Droid to the laptop.

Feeling fine-all systems are going. The altitude is not a problem that I can discern. Delores called from West Virginny yesterday. They got clobbered by that big storm. They had been without power for nine days. They had a generator and aunt Jayne had a chamber pot in her stock of antiques. Don was able to do without his oxygen somewhere in Iowa. All are doing well and enjoying the adventure.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July Pampa

We were blessed with my former wife Eve, her brother T and Lillian, and her sister Nan among other family members from Lori's side. A very pleasant visit all around. The temps had dropped from 106 to mid 90's so it was a wonderful day for the party. Lori's hard work on the gardens paid off handsomely with some fresh blooms -Hibiscus as big as salad plates and bushes coming into full bloom. Hannah, Lori  and Joy, her mom had shopped for party supplies and decorations and I did a bit of running too. Running into my sister in law's car was kind of the lowpoint for me. Lori's sister in law, Janet, baked a great cake, nephew Casey decorated it,. Others dropped in. I am rather proud of the photographs of the diving by Clinton and Cameron, Jess and others. Click on the piture to see the album.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Going West to Camp Pampa

Easiest trip west ever-Jason drove. We started in the midst of a tropical storm (Debbie) stayed in Live Oak, Florida the night before it was swamped with 15 inches of rain and hit the front pages as the latest disaster. We lost the rain in the Florida Panhandle and had clear sailing with some wind all the way to camp Pampa- Jason and Lori's Texas retreat.   Lori has gobs of family in the area and they drop in a lot-to her delight. Her mom, her brothers, nieces and nephews, and assorted relatives are all a congenial lot-very enjoyable. Lori and her niece Hannah have a special relationship  and got pedicures as well as shopped for party stuff for the 4th of July. Pictures at the link:

06242012 to Pampa n Pampa