Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life on the rez

For the doubters of genetics, I offer this photo of my sister in law, Nan, her daughter Bragg, and my former wife Eve taken in Denver a little over a week ago.  Nan's car has been repaired by GEICO at their service center for about what I thought it should have cost when I gave her cash.  About half of the independent body shop estimates. They will get it tomorrow. I hope it is satisfactory and that will end this unhappy episode. Galen and Nan have been peaches about the whole thing.

Honey is on the back porch barking attesting to her feeling better. Her wounds are healing. She is being good about the pills this time but hides from the topical medicine which is mixed up according to a secret formula by a Native American here on the rez. It is good stuff- they gave me some for Buddy when he was injured and I used it myself.

We walked the top 40 today. I realized in Wal-Mart yesterday that I needed to get on the walking path again. The dogs go without leashes and have a good time. They amuse me so it is good for us all. Feglers have put culverts in some strategic places so it easier for a senior citizen to walk down there without  getting in water or mud. Of course they put them in to facilitate getting the hay wagon down there.

The  mifi internet connection continued to give me fits so I called Verizon tech assistance and ended up getting  a new phone which also acts as a wireless hub. I think the new plan is going to save me money besides. Greg asked me if I remembered the old phones that were on the kitchen wall and cost $19.00 per month. Of course I do. Greg and Lew are having a good summer in upstate New York.. They decided they were going to fatten a couple of cows-the cows went to the state land-11000 acres.  Stay tuned.

Received email from Andre and Nicole. They are have a good summer on Lake Champlain. Good weather this year.

Talked to Dennis and Ida-they took their critters to Story. WY for a vacation.

Matt called-we had a good visit. He is getting a lot of good veggies from his garden and is enjoying cooking them creatively. Facebook is a boon in his case because he uses it and it  gives us something to talk about
instead of "whatcha been doin'."

Had a pretty good chat with Jason as he was close to home in Florida. This trip TX to FLwas like our trip out in reverse. Big rains in Florida. He is still not well and did the trip in two days. He says he is going to the doctor. We'll see.

Going out to dinner with long time friends Mike and Diana on Friday. Looking forward to that!
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