Janet and Guy wanted to meet at Little Wind River Casino for supper Tuesday night-dining out on election night is a tradition for them-they vote after Janet gets off work. Then they called-things were sliding because their neighbor's barn caught fire. Mr Norwood does maintenance for the Fremont County Library system and he called Guy to go help his wife because he was at a far away library. So Guy took his tractor and went to haul equipment away from the barn and save what he could. After waiting awhile I headed up there in time to take this crappy photograph. The smoke had just turned white because the first firetruck to arrive had just started pumping water. We eventually made it to the Casino for a great meal-the place looks brand new-very clean. Had a nice visit.
Thursday was my birthday. It was a very pleasant day-low key. Rich was on his route and called from Lander and we had a pleasant visit and lunch at Archer's-formerly Golden Corral buffet. Matt was the first to call-he still had his morning voice and it is a great voice-he is still doing sidework-announcing, and commercials while his main job is also keeping things interesting. He put up 20 pounds of peaches-canning, drying, freezing. Facebook good wishes and emails, and calls from Lori and Jason and Audrey and Cheryl were welcome. Lori got the gardening bug in Pampa and they are continuing in Florida. Jason is feeling better- has some zip. I took the doggies for a walk in town which they like. Got a nap too. Great day.
My laptop has started to fade I am afraid. It just ups and shuts down sometimes. I did a rollback and it seems to have helped somewhat but not entirely.