Sent "his and her" yellow- Lab shirts for Jason and Lori's anniversary-celebrating their family. They got there a little late -2 weeks but they will have some fun. They amuse ME. anyway. I can see they are hanging around my house while the remodeling goes on. It is a comfortable, nice house. I am sure they are enjoying it.
We got RAIN today. The first legitimate rain with drops on my metal roof since I have been here. It was most welcome and it seemed a good day to put the swamp cooler to bed for the year. That is dang near all I accomplished-stayed warm, napped, read, played Word, did a little cleaning and cooked for us.
Yesterday was almost a bust too-though I did clean and putz around between football games-both my teams lost- but there was some good football. Then came the incomprehensible Emmy Awards. They succeeded in speeding it up but it was like a high school awards banquet. Didn't finish it. Without cable in either residence, I had little frame of reference.