Hurricane Isaac although hundreds of miles away spawned some nasty weather on the east coast of Florida. My patio canopy and my RV canopy were among the casualties. Lori thought a genuine Seminole Tiki hut would make a nice surprise. Did it ever! It is amazingly cool and cozy under the sheltering palm fronds. Somehow, the whole neighborhood knew about it and kept it a secret from me. It is glorious and I am practically living in it. Having some fun fixing up a "bar"-it has been rain tested and stays pretty dry. Y'all come-I'll make margaritas.
The trip was pretty good-very little night driving but I made good time and we were without negative incident. It was as enjoyable as a 2600 mile drive can be. That is a long way to drive.
Not so nice surprise: Thank goodness for "hillbilly heroin." Walking the dogs the second night here, using the retractable leashes. They were being good and there was considerable slack in the leashes. They caught sight of a cat and I went splat. Bloody gash over my eye, face first on the sidewalk. I collected myself for a minute and a nice young man came over to help. I got up under my own steam and retrieved Honey. Buddy had snapped his collar. I went on home with blood dripping down my face. Then the arm injuries became apparent-incredible pain. Jason took me to the nearest urgent care. I had X-rays and caught a glimpse into the economics of urgent care. Blood tests? $100.00 tetanus shot? "Come back tomorrow"-more X-rays? The pain prescription the doctor gave me the first night could not be filled- too rare and dosage too small. Made it through the night with Tylenol and no sleep whatsoever. The PAC who saw me the next day raised her eyebrows at the prescription and ordered some heavy duty Percocet which is good for the pain but puts one in La-La land. A major ingredient is oxycodone which is hillbilly heroin in West Virginia. So I have spent a couple of days swinging from comatose to yelps of pain. The thumb on my left hand is useful only as a handle for my right hand to move my arm. Still, I am recovering; I can move the mouse if I grit my teeth and move slowly. Looking forward to being able to drive someday soon. .