Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The weather in Wyoming is getting pretty chilly in my neighborhood-some 19's and 32's on the thermometer. Meanwhile Florida, in my neighborhood, has been almost magically temperate. The door is frequently open to admit dogs and fresh air and the air conditioner rarely kicks on at 76 degrees. A little rain a little wind but nice.

My aches are receding quite a bit and I can now do quite a few things around here. That is a real boost to the old attitude. I can see that falls for seniors have more import- I reflect on getting bucked off a horse onto my head and recovering in a few days, hanging by my ankle from a chain drive International dump truck-that required a cast,  getting run over by a hay sled, and numerous bike and motorsickle rashes but nothing that has has hung on so long or been so dispiriting.

I got an e-mail from Big Lots that they had rope lights for $6.50 a strand and since my last year garden lights are mostly toast and were causing the breaker to trip I went up there. Found a Kay Scarpetta book for $3.00- a big fat hardback that revealed how spoiled I am by the Kindle experience. Not handy at all for reading while dining, requires bright light, and is heavy. On the other hand, books don't need to be charged up. The Kindle reader resides on all of my "devices" so it goes everywhere and I always have something to read and always on the page where I left off..

The kids went to Charm City and brought yummy burgers for lunch the other day. Between their sickness and remodeling stuff, I have not seen much of them so the visit was a treat. They are mending and making progress.

Next time I will have done something interesting-I promise