Monday, February 4, 2013

Too Much Fun!

Kousin Karla flew in to surprise Lori and stick her tongue out at me!
This takes the cake- Lori's 50th

The web album is here. A very elegant and  fun occasion was Lori's 50th birthday milestone party.
Lori's Party Album

The photos tell the story better than I can.
The very next day, Lori and Jason left for a cruise but not before the Friday night festivities more or less carried on-there were yummy leftovers and opened wine which we hated to see go to waste.  Had a brunch and Jason through gentle prodding got the show on the road so Karla could fly back to Dallas and they could embark at Fort Lauderdale.

The rest of Saturday is sort of lost to me- I stayed at the kid's place to sit on the dock with Brandon who is dog-sitting and finish the Chardonnay, went home and a nap befell me. Somewhere in there I got the laundry caught up but I'm a little hazy on exactly when.

Sunday was Superbowl day and I got into it. Went to the store for food: made a pot of chili  and had enough burger left to make  big hamburgers for three.  The doggies liked the day too. They got a good Sunday walk in the morning and played wildly until late in the evening. We eat beef so seldom, they maybe needed some. Aside from that, they got powdered and petted. Honey is turning into a mush pot. Suits me fine.

I was hoping for the 49ers to win but the loss didn't exactly ruin my day.

Now it is Monday and I have things to do this week- pre-op blood work and stuff.

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