Saturday, February 16, 2013

Founder's Day

One of the greatest things about Deerfield is its small town feel.  I walked down to  watch the parade and chat with my neighbors. As far as parades go it was just so-so but spirited and fun, brought out the dignitaries and nobody went broke being all fancy. It was just right.

My visiting nurse, Maxine is an experienced nurse (24 years at the hospital) and a nice Dominican lady with an easy laugh. In fact the whole Delray Medical Center experience was a demonstration of competent and kind brown  people taking care of ancient Jews and one Wyoming buzzard. Only one of the floor nurses was white and he was gay-and a character, My prep nurse was a pip-an older white lady who got answers to all my questions, lickety-split- no messing around.  Dr Rosman had the flu so they sent Esteban Kloosterman in to pinch hit and I am glad-he got everything put right and left no junk. The cardiac surgeon remained on standby.  I have experienced very little pain-a marked contrast from the initial installation.

I feel better, more stamina and energy and I got my sense of humor back.  They set my low pulse at 60, Have felt zesty on occasion.  Matt was a tonic-and so patient, waiting, reading his book, and chatting with me and the cast of characters at the hospital. We three Roberts boys went for a good dinner at JB's last night, Jason having just returned from NYC where was conducting interviews. Matt left for Oregon this morning.  Bless my boys. 
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