Friday, March 1, 2013

Cold Front

It is going to get down in the 50's for a few days all because the weather sweeps from Northwest to Southeast most times. Somehow we will survive. 

Life has been pretty good-I was cleared to drive, Maxine, my visiting nurse released me (she was a nice lady-good sense of humor).  Aside from some limitations in lifting and stretching, I am good to go.  I have been going in fact. Greg and lew came down for a visit. I had lunch delivered from Jo Jo's-  about $20, including delivery. We ate under the chikee hut and let the dogs play except for Honey who was a biyotch.

The kids have been so busy I have seen little of them, though we play Word on the computers almost daily. There is usually a turn waiting for me in the morning which I jump right on to signal that I ambulating.

My eldest turned 46 years of age! What does that make me besides older than dirt? He seems to have things to engross him and enjoy. My kids are a joy.

Speaking of older than dirt-I left my ATM card in the machine at Wells-Fargo. I was kind of being hurried by the man behind me. He helped himself to $300.00 cash and a big fill up at a Texaco station in Pompano. When I called Wells they said the card had already been blocked for suspicious activity and credited the money (provisionally) back to me. A new card is on its way. We'll see if I can hold onto it. Sheesh!

I have been coasting for weeks on groceries previously purchased even going so far as to retrieve canned goods from the RV. I am looking forward to a big shopping (is that something to look forward to?). In any case the experience was a good one in that I had to build some ingenuity in cooking. Good practice for the hurricane or the meltdown or the revolution- whichever comes first. I will be able to drive to my favorite saving places: Big Lots; canned tomatoes and veggies for 50 cents a can, WalMart for chicken breasts 8 for $11.00, Winn-Dixie; instant coffee $4.99 (better than Folger's too!)

I've been reading as well as walking the dogs and having some TV gluts: Oscars, NASCAR, Idol. The reading I hope forestalls the brain-rot. Pullman's His Dark Materials has been an interesting journey. He takes a dim view of organized religion which taken in tandem with the Popery is kind of interesting.  I think another shoe is going to drop in the Vatican.
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