Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Pictures today from Canuckian friends. Rene and Therese above when Nicole and Andre visited them at home last week. Rene had his last radiation treatment this week and is doing well. He will hear from the doctor what course is to be taken now. He should have heard that today.
Andre and Nicole are sailing on Lake Champlain for the summer. The weather is better. So this is their life for a few months or should I say this is THE life. The above shot is in the "cabin." Below they are under sail.
Below, they are in one of the many coves on Lake Champlain. Part of the lake is in Canada, part is in the U.S and is bordered by New York and Vermont and other places. I've looked but I can't remember.
Also heard from Greg and Lew. They have the parents settled in their new digs in Boca and they are delighted to be there. They have their own complete condo but mostly step out in the hall, ride the elevator downstairs one floor and take their pick of restaurants-the Bistro which is casual and lighter fare or if "the gentleman desires to wear a jacket," the more formal dining room is available. Greg and Lew have worked like dogs to get them moved. Now they have to finish clearing out the house. They are accelerating their efforts because they are dying in the heat! They are heading back to cooler upstate New York as soon as they can. They will likely return to Florida about the time I plan to get there.

The feet are all inside the shoes, there is some slack in the calves, I am making progress. I feel OK. So I am good to go. Petty annoyances. I hope Honey doesn't burn out on the prairie dogs. She took care of three of them today and they seem endless. I keep hoping one will escape and tell the others. I am going to try for town tomorrow. Big day.
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