Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Learning Photosuite is the process. Bird "Plates" is the product. Cussing is the by-product. Progress is being made.
Through the magic of Facebook mobile and his iPhone, Jason instantly shared his Jackpot tonight at the Hard Rock Casino, I assume. When we talked the other day he was talking about sliding their day to avoid the high heat. Perhaps they did. A pretty nice payoff.
Honey has been working hard. She was playing "catch and release," at first. She headed into the house with one in her mouth but I intercepted her and shut the door in her face. I do not need a Prairie Dog in the house. I can see them on the rim of the field next door eyeing the property. I think the girl is keeping up but I really don't like the mayhem. It would be best if Reverend Farmer John Morrison would take care of his problem.

I finally got a little relief on my hugely swollen calves today. Not much but enough to be encouraged. Keeping the water flowing in every way I know.
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