Wednesday, August 21, 2013


A blog post perhaps. My laptop computer is a perfect match for me: erratic, slow to start, constipated, bloated., prone to takiing a siesta in the middle of anything, and about as trustworthy as a 70 year old's f__t. In short, not too much fun.

How slow is it? When it is booting I usually get tired of waiting and go clean the garage or the kitchen and forget I turned it on.  I have improved it marginally with System Mechanic so I may be able to muster a blog post once in awhile.

My blogging has been more honored in its absence that in its heyday. From many quarters a bit of chiding for what I thought was surely a narrative as exciting as yesterday's oatmeal.

Long story short: all is well with me. Some ups, some downs, but mostly an even keel. Having been educated by my forebears, and discussed with cuz Donna,who likewise noted the elders steadily "shrinking lives" and apparent contentment with it, life is good.

Staying in Florida was not my first choice but as always the tribes will to finish things has flagged and there is no promised fence that will contain my doggies around the cabin. Keeping them in while I try to  remedy the situation is a non-starter. But the heat here has been intolerable only a few days. Lots of rain and cooler days but also some mugginess that is not too pleasant: all in all, about like home-some days are better than others. Richard tells me that Wyoming is verdant with all the rain this year. He drives it all about every month so he has eenjoyed it.
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Friday, March 1, 2013

Cold Front

It is going to get down in the 50's for a few days all because the weather sweeps from Northwest to Southeast most times. Somehow we will survive. 

Life has been pretty good-I was cleared to drive, Maxine, my visiting nurse released me (she was a nice lady-good sense of humor).  Aside from some limitations in lifting and stretching, I am good to go.  I have been going in fact. Greg and lew came down for a visit. I had lunch delivered from Jo Jo's-  about $20, including delivery. We ate under the chikee hut and let the dogs play except for Honey who was a biyotch.

The kids have been so busy I have seen little of them, though we play Word on the computers almost daily. There is usually a turn waiting for me in the morning which I jump right on to signal that I ambulating.

My eldest turned 46 years of age! What does that make me besides older than dirt? He seems to have things to engross him and enjoy. My kids are a joy.

Speaking of older than dirt-I left my ATM card in the machine at Wells-Fargo. I was kind of being hurried by the man behind me. He helped himself to $300.00 cash and a big fill up at a Texaco station in Pompano. When I called Wells they said the card had already been blocked for suspicious activity and credited the money (provisionally) back to me. A new card is on its way. We'll see if I can hold onto it. Sheesh!

I have been coasting for weeks on groceries previously purchased even going so far as to retrieve canned goods from the RV. I am looking forward to a big shopping (is that something to look forward to?). In any case the experience was a good one in that I had to build some ingenuity in cooking. Good practice for the hurricane or the meltdown or the revolution- whichever comes first. I will be able to drive to my favorite saving places: Big Lots; canned tomatoes and veggies for 50 cents a can, WalMart for chicken breasts 8 for $11.00, Winn-Dixie; instant coffee $4.99 (better than Folger's too!)

I've been reading as well as walking the dogs and having some TV gluts: Oscars, NASCAR, Idol. The reading I hope forestalls the brain-rot. Pullman's His Dark Materials has been an interesting journey. He takes a dim view of organized religion which taken in tandem with the Popery is kind of interesting.  I think another shoe is going to drop in the Vatican.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

I love a parade

The Deerfield Beach Founder's Day Parade 2013
Founder's day web album

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Founder's Day

One of the greatest things about Deerfield is its small town feel.  I walked down to  watch the parade and chat with my neighbors. As far as parades go it was just so-so but spirited and fun, brought out the dignitaries and nobody went broke being all fancy. It was just right.

My visiting nurse, Maxine is an experienced nurse (24 years at the hospital) and a nice Dominican lady with an easy laugh. In fact the whole Delray Medical Center experience was a demonstration of competent and kind brown  people taking care of ancient Jews and one Wyoming buzzard. Only one of the floor nurses was white and he was gay-and a character, My prep nurse was a pip-an older white lady who got answers to all my questions, lickety-split- no messing around.  Dr Rosman had the flu so they sent Esteban Kloosterman in to pinch hit and I am glad-he got everything put right and left no junk. The cardiac surgeon remained on standby.  I have experienced very little pain-a marked contrast from the initial installation.

I feel better, more stamina and energy and I got my sense of humor back.  They set my low pulse at 60, Have felt zesty on occasion.  Matt was a tonic-and so patient, waiting, reading his book, and chatting with me and the cast of characters at the hospital. We three Roberts boys went for a good dinner at JB's last night, Jason having just returned from NYC where was conducting interviews. Matt left for Oregon this morning.  Bless my boys. 
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Thursday, February 14, 2013


Home again after a successful procedure. And virtually no pain and I am feeling more alert than in the past. Life is good. More later.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday is the big day

I will go in for my procedure tomorrow morning at 830. Doctor Rossman has the stomach flu so a completely new doctor will do the procedure. This causes a little anxiety because I don't know if this doctor is up to speed on my situation. So there will be a question and answer period. The good news is that Matthew has flown in from Oregon to give me a hand for a while. It will be wonderful to see him. I will post a progress report Wednesday when I should be home.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Too Much Fun!

Kousin Karla flew in to surprise Lori and stick her tongue out at me!
This takes the cake- Lori's 50th

The web album is here. A very elegant and  fun occasion was Lori's 50th birthday milestone party.
Lori's Party Album

The photos tell the story better than I can.
The very next day, Lori and Jason left for a cruise but not before the Friday night festivities more or less carried on-there were yummy leftovers and opened wine which we hated to see go to waste.  Had a brunch and Jason through gentle prodding got the show on the road so Karla could fly back to Dallas and they could embark at Fort Lauderdale.

The rest of Saturday is sort of lost to me- I stayed at the kid's place to sit on the dock with Brandon who is dog-sitting and finish the Chardonnay, went home and a nap befell me. Somewhere in there I got the laundry caught up but I'm a little hazy on exactly when.

Sunday was Superbowl day and I got into it. Went to the store for food: made a pot of chili  and had enough burger left to make  big hamburgers for three.  The doggies liked the day too. They got a good Sunday walk in the morning and played wildly until late in the evening. We eat beef so seldom, they maybe needed some. Aside from that, they got powdered and petted. Honey is turning into a mush pot. Suits me fine.

I was hoping for the 49ers to win but the loss didn't exactly ruin my day.

Now it is Monday and I have things to do this week- pre-op blood work and stuff.

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