Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Eggs

Drat-my whole narrative vanished into thin air.  Check back later.
O.K. I have sulked for a week. That is long enough. Now we will see what I can remember without the aid of notes. Juneau and Buddy on their last day together for awhile (below). Jason and Juneau loaded into the BMW and headed for Texas to Join Lori who flew on the 3rd. Jason will come for a visit in mid- June-he has organized a trip to Bimini in the boat with his brother and some friends. I am hopeful of catching a glimpse of Matt. The J's arrived in Texas after two days-the sort of trip I get scolded for. Jason puts the pedal to the metal and stays in dog-friendly La Quinta's. I drive the limit and stay in Flying J parking lots.

Jason's last days here were busy, busy. He decided to give up his consultancy with Campus Management so he is no longer working the phones, etc. He was feted by his colleagues and management. They wrote messages on a shirt-some heartfelt, some funny, some touching. He was pleased with the party and the gift.  He also was readying the Boca property for sale. He had really good renters who got transferred so he cleaned, powerwashed, painted, re-did hardware and carpet in a mad dash. The powerwasher tried to commit suicide by vibrating into the pool. I think it is fixable but I am not sure. He squeezed in a few lunches and dinners with his closer friends and we went  to lunch at a new place in Pompano.  I am missing them all.
Where we had lunch - Bonefish Mac's. Yummy Fish and Chips. Jason had the start of a beard going. I wonder if it will prosper.
Lori hit the ground running in Texas. She had 16 for  Easter-mostly family and a carry-in for food. She said they had a ball.  She was able to see nephew Casey advance to regionals in Track.

My nephew Justin is at large with permission to be so. He is still muddled about some things. The rehab facility had certain milestones in his brain injury recovery plan. Among them:  fixing a meal from scratch, and cleaning self and surroundings-the activities of daily living. The way he sees it is the staff was lazy and he had to do everything to run the place. Bless his heart and  Rich and families-they do not have an easy path for months ahead. Niece Alicia has a home of her own in Casper now and for Junior, her St. Bernard. Speaking of St. Bernards there was one and a black Newfoundland at the Dog Park in Pompano. The Newfie, four months old, thought Miss Honey was quite fetching. She did quite well at refusing his advances without ripping his throat out.  She was a lady.

It has been "fleet week" here in the compound. Vehicle maintenance. I stopped in at Advance Auto Parts, which is restored after it burned. I wanted to price deep cycle batteries for the RV to replace the very weak old ones. I lucked into a sale-$69.00 apiece as opposed to about $100 minimum per copy. So I did that. Washed the van-I didn't really think it was dirty-but it was. Did it in a light rain as I am wont to do-Mother nature helps with the rinse.
But enough about me- How about you?
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