Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reduced to Blogging

For the second day we have been inundated with precipitation. The doggies just went for their probably only walk for the day. We walked to the Pet Supermarket and bought treats-Buddy picked out a bag of Peanut Butter treats that were evidently more intriguing at the store than here at home.  The pups are quite spoiled-I have been mixing up trips to the dog park in Pompano with our walks.  They love the dog park and are quite well-behaved and seem to be growing in socialization with dogs and humans.

With the kids in Texas, our routines are different-or I should say non-existent but that is OK too. I have been puttering around. The canopy on my "Fortress of Solitude" collapsed under the weight of rain so I improvised another with a canvas dropcloth ($29.00). There are so many bungy cords that I suspect if a big wind came just the right way, there would be a huge "SPROINGGGG" and the darn thing would be catapulted into the Atlantic Ocean. It is getting the acid test this weekend-so far, so good. Have also been gussying up a few things. Yard art, solar lights, Vines, repotting some plants.  Continuing to read and play Word with Friends with my Texas kids. We are addicted and it is reassuring for us all to know the others are alive and well and playing cut-throat games.

Med checkups this past week. According to my device, there have been no Cardiac incidents-this makes 14 months.  Dr Cohn's exhaustive tests indicate I am holding my own in other departments-he wants more in therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC he calls it, I call it torture.) But I will do my best.

I am excited to be having company! Denis and Ida from Casper are going to their niece's graduation in Bettendorf, I believe, then adding a leg to come to South Florida.

My cousin Russel and his wife and another couple have been doing Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Russ is a great camera man with a good sense of humor so I have been getting travelogues on the web.  Likewise with Nicole and Andre traveling the west. The other Andre and Nicole are back in Montreal and shivering. 

Life is good.