Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Weeks are Whizzing By

It seems I am cleaning for the cleaning lady every other day but it is just once a week. In between times we cope with the weather which is no big deal-the water is keeping the foliage green and no chatter about water restrictions yet!  I will walk the dogs in a light drizzle and I poncho up in a disposable rain poncho yellow in color- Big Bird walks the dogs. I am about halfway to my targeted 10 pound loss. Dr. Cohn mentioned that number and I thought it do-able. He will move the goalpost again I am sure. I have read forty something books this summer-mostly on the Kindle but some of the ink on paper kind too.  There is solace (or despair) in reading turn of the last century literature. The same themes that consume us today consumed them-the status of women (they didn't have the vote even back then), the haves and have- nots, social justice, robber barons and union organizers. Love and romance were conducted more politely, vocabularies were ever so much richer- language used more precisely. Human concerns have not changed that much-so much for progress!

Had a great talk with Nicole and "dear Andre" as she calls him. They gypsied around the West-10,000 miles and are now back home in Montreal and commuting  to work on the sailboat for their summer on Lake Champlain. It was so very nice to talk with them. Nicole is again caring for her sister-in-law and others. Therese has accepted her "new normal" without Rene' and seems to be doing fine.

Good chat with Richard: Our kinda sorta cousin is recovering from bladder cancer surgery with her kids in California. Susie is such a peach I hate to hear of anything bad. His kids and Val's kids are doing well it is interesting to watch. Alicia is buying a house in Casper, Val's daughters are all in Costa Rica last we know, working on a chocolate farm.  Justin has good days and bad days depending on the choices he makes. Heather and Tom are perking along.

Jason called with a report on Trish's visit and he posted pictures of her birthday. The British invasion of the Texas Panhandle was the theme. They had a hoot. Will have cocktails with Trish this week to look at her pictures. Jason and Lori were then off to Wichita Falls, TX for a Grange family reunion. Judging from the pace of the Words with Friends games they are at leisure and home alone in Pampa.
Whiteflies have mutated and are now attacking palms. I have been busy here and at Jason's trying to discourage them.