Monday, July 2, 2012

Going West to Camp Pampa

Easiest trip west ever-Jason drove. We started in the midst of a tropical storm (Debbie) stayed in Live Oak, Florida the night before it was swamped with 15 inches of rain and hit the front pages as the latest disaster. We lost the rain in the Florida Panhandle and had clear sailing with some wind all the way to camp Pampa- Jason and Lori's Texas retreat.   Lori has gobs of family in the area and they drop in a lot-to her delight. Her mom, her brothers, nieces and nephews, and assorted relatives are all a congenial lot-very enjoyable. Lori and her niece Hannah have a special relationship  and got pedicures as well as shopped for party stuff for the 4th of July. Pictures at the link:

06242012 to Pampa n Pampa