Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

The pundits are nattering about nothing as the ballots are counted. I voted in Wyoming. I'm not sure what the fuss is about-we have a choice between a Democrat wimp and another clueless Republican. The result in either case: we are screwed. The media reminds me of pow-wow announcers-no dead air even if you have to speak in tongues.

Honey found a big ol' poison toad this evening and I had to rinse her mouth and wash her gums with a microfiber cloth. She seems fine but I am not her favorite parson right now. We did get to the dog park yesterday. It had been closed for 8 weeks due to storm related swampiness. They enjoyed their time and slept well. The dog park is one left turn and one right turn-then a straight shot down Highway 1.

Today Amazon via Fedex delivered  a steering wheel knob. In the olden days we called them "necking knobs" because they allowed you to steer and have one arm around your girl (waaay before bucket seats). I had checked West Marine for one, checked the $70.00 price tag and hit Amazon.  I wanted one that flipped down like my brother had in his old Chrysler sedan. I couldn't find  one exactly like it but finally ordered one billed as "Folding steering knob for beginners and Korea girls." ($22.00) I installed it 3 times given my gimpiness but it works fine and I can turn left and right without whining with pain. I am glad to have some (auto)mobility back.

Truth to tell I am getting a little bummed-cabin fever due to the aches from the fall. After the major left arm pain lessened, the ones on my hip and right wrist emerged.  Hurt to sit, get up, etc. but that is much better. My left arm is some better but is still very painful-can't slice an onion, can't lift my coffee cup, have to reach across to close the car door,  and worst of all, I reach a painful spot before my fork gets to my mouth.

But life goes on and I have done a lot of little puttering around  tasks. The vacuum cleaner works right-handed. Jason and Lori have a bug but I got it together enough to put some homemade chicken soup together (no sliced onions), put the crock pot in the van and steering -knobbed myself all 8 blocks to their house.Kept my distance.  Bless their hearts-their house is still in disarray but coming right along.