Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life is Better


Saturday lunch at the Cove was a pleasant interlude. We drove and watched the boats pull up this time as opposed to  our disembarking. I discovered the Green Market-it changes places every year it seems  Afterwards Lori invited me to view the stuff that is going out the door as new stuff is coming in the door. I got some treasures though I pledge to keep it down-enough stuff here already. The remodel is coming right along-I can foresee the end result. I think it will be stunning.  
The doggies at play in the backyard. They had a good outing at the dog park and came home full of beans.
Dog people are nice people. It is nice to socialize with them while the doggies do the same.  They got their very first neighborhood walk this very day. The mornings have been on the brisk side so there was no need to beat the heat and I got the  morning soreness out before we went. It went pretty well  though there was some after-pain. I am able to do more and more. The yard is benefiting. Some of my plants needed some TLC.  I went to Ace to see if there was something that would kill snails as they were devastating some plants. The helpful hardware man kind of creeped me out telling how he knows Bug-Getta works because he sees the snails foaming at the mouth. He was a little too gleeful.

Of course I have been reading,reading. reading as well as enjoying some football. The Ducks/Stanford game was a thriller, though I was rooting for the Ducks. Enjoyed the Steelers game for the drama.
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