Thursday, December 29, 2011

Web Album for "Kill the Bug" party

Click the picture to view the album.

Stuff and Nonsense

I went with the kids to Renae and Bob Miller's Boat Parade party at Jason's rental house in Pompano- pre Christmas. They have made the house very homey. That was the good news. The bad news was in spite of tripod, I got about two decent pictures. This is one of them. It was a visual and audio spectacular. I enjoyed it.

Yesterday was my final medical checkup of the year with Dr. Cohn. We were both pleased. Tests and exams showed improvement or holding my own. I had experienced a couple of gouty sessions. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug, Colcrys, which has been around for a long time. You often don't know how much pain you have been carrying until it goes away. I like it and though it has a load of potential side-effects, I seem to be tolerating it well.

Greg lost his canine companion, JJ, a few weeks ago. He made her last days as pleasant as possible-and loved her. He was really torn up about it. Still is kind of a mess. (been there, done that) His constant loyal companion of 13 years is sorely missed. I encouraged him to get another one-it is a compliment to the passed dog that it was so important in your life that you don't want to do without a canine companion. He texted me a picture of the pup today. I am anxious to get my hands on it.

Didn't feel very energetic after my Doc visit. I charged all the batteries on my cameras and called it a good day's work. Today I decided to fix a garden ornament that Lori gave me for Christmas. It was broken out of the box. It is a kind of wind chime with glass marbles on a chain inside it. The chain was broken. I decided super-glue was my best bet. First I glued my fingers to it. Then I glued it to my shirt. Then I tried UGlu tape and it seems to have done the trick. Of course it has been cool for a couple of days-time will tell.

Jason sold the "project house." He got his asking price. I have new neighbors- Youngish transplants from New York (some time ago) by the name of Figueroa- Reuben and Susan. He does ad layouts for (gasp) the Enquirer. Seem like nice people.

Matt is contemplating a possible move to Bend, Oregon to assume the director's office there. He is being encouraged to apply by headquarters and his boss. Many things to consider-more money for sure, house? Audrey? It is all up in the air right now. No easy decisions. Bless him.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kill The Bug 2011

Christmas is in our rear view mirror. Lori has staked out the morning of Christmas Eve for her "Kill the Bug Party" the tradition among the Polish being that to have a good snort and a nosh on Christmas Eve morning keeps you healthy. We should have plenty of healthy friends and neighbors on 6th Avenue and 8th Avenue. I helped this year by running to Costco and cooking quite a bit. All great fun for me. The party runs from 8 a.m. to Noon so "come in your jammies" is observed by a good percentage of the attendees. Mimosas, Bellinis, Bloody Mary's, Screwdrivers and wine and plain Champagne grease the skids. This year Mark Jaden performed acoustically on his guitar and was spectacular. A highlight for me was when he sang an original song that has "And you have a fantastic a__. as a lyric and the churchgoers as well as the heathens were out there shaking it. Jason took the video.

Next door neighbors (to Jason and Lori), Steve and Mariela, dressed (and cooked) for the event.

My nephew Chris and his longtime friend Mia attended. Her folks live in Palm Beach so we get to see them once a year. They live in Los Angeles-Chris is in the movie biz.

My neighbors, the Pattens, attended this year. A nice family-Matt is a Sniper for Broward Sheriff office. They do a lot together -he wins the "Clark Griswold Award" for over the top Christmas decorations in the neighborhood.

My across the street neighbor plays the tambourine and dances. Trish dances in the background. Though the party was supposed to be over at noon it was still going on at 5:00 p.m.. We missed David's Christmas Eve Party because things were still going on and Lori was sleeping hard- until 10 p.m. at which time she arose and went to 1:00 a.m. with Trish and Lori's niece. We counted 80+ attendees most of whom we knew. One of the last to leave was the Baptist minister's wife. Kind of makes you feel good.

Cleanup continues. We are anticipating the New Year's bash at David and Jacqui's.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Not to Worry!

Anxious enquiries from the frozen tundra-my lack of blogging has imaginations running wild. It is really very sweet of them. I feel good but one of my meds, Amiodiorne, which keeps my heart in rhythm, is notorious for having an effect on memory and my short term memory is measurable in nano-seconds by the evening. So I forget until I am too tired to string three sentences together. During the days I am fairly functional. I have been attending various parties and functions which the kids are kind enough to tag me along. I try hard not to embarrass them, though my pants fell to my knees at the Pompano Beach Boat Parade. Belt problems. Not more than 7 or 8 people saw it. Serves them right, too for looking.

Below was the reunion party for what is left of our little group. Rene and Therese were with us in our thoughts and reminiscences. We need to get Therese down here somehow. The Westphalia is on the downward side of its useful life and Therese doesn't feel all that confident about it. It was not a gloomy review of times past because we all laugh uproariously about everything. Below Andre models a T-shirt I made him using a picture of Nicole's sailboat. Nicole needs long sleeves so I have a re-do but they liked them very much.

Jeanne went over the top with the canapes. We almost killed out appetites.

Nicole and Jeanne hoist their generous cocktails.

Nicole made Boef Bourguinon and a great supper for our little reunion at John Prince Park. The campground is looking good. I saw lots of faces I know. Wish I could say the same for their names!

I made it home by 10:30. My sweet children walked my dogs and turned on my Christmas decorations to welcome me home-all unbidden-just thoughtful. I am looking forward to a good "season."
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