Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stuff and Nonsense

I went with the kids to Renae and Bob Miller's Boat Parade party at Jason's rental house in Pompano- pre Christmas. They have made the house very homey. That was the good news. The bad news was in spite of tripod, I got about two decent pictures. This is one of them. It was a visual and audio spectacular. I enjoyed it.

Yesterday was my final medical checkup of the year with Dr. Cohn. We were both pleased. Tests and exams showed improvement or holding my own. I had experienced a couple of gouty sessions. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug, Colcrys, which has been around for a long time. You often don't know how much pain you have been carrying until it goes away. I like it and though it has a load of potential side-effects, I seem to be tolerating it well.

Greg lost his canine companion, JJ, a few weeks ago. He made her last days as pleasant as possible-and loved her. He was really torn up about it. Still is kind of a mess. (been there, done that) His constant loyal companion of 13 years is sorely missed. I encouraged him to get another one-it is a compliment to the passed dog that it was so important in your life that you don't want to do without a canine companion. He texted me a picture of the pup today. I am anxious to get my hands on it.

Didn't feel very energetic after my Doc visit. I charged all the batteries on my cameras and called it a good day's work. Today I decided to fix a garden ornament that Lori gave me for Christmas. It was broken out of the box. It is a kind of wind chime with glass marbles on a chain inside it. The chain was broken. I decided super-glue was my best bet. First I glued my fingers to it. Then I glued it to my shirt. Then I tried UGlu tape and it seems to have done the trick. Of course it has been cool for a couple of days-time will tell.

Jason sold the "project house." He got his asking price. I have new neighbors- Youngish transplants from New York (some time ago) by the name of Figueroa- Reuben and Susan. He does ad layouts for (gasp) the Enquirer. Seem like nice people.

Matt is contemplating a possible move to Bend, Oregon to assume the director's office there. He is being encouraged to apply by headquarters and his boss. Many things to consider-more money for sure, house? Audrey? It is all up in the air right now. No easy decisions. Bless him.
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