Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Not to Worry!

Anxious enquiries from the frozen tundra-my lack of blogging has imaginations running wild. It is really very sweet of them. I feel good but one of my meds, Amiodiorne, which keeps my heart in rhythm, is notorious for having an effect on memory and my short term memory is measurable in nano-seconds by the evening. So I forget until I am too tired to string three sentences together. During the days I am fairly functional. I have been attending various parties and functions which the kids are kind enough to tag me along. I try hard not to embarrass them, though my pants fell to my knees at the Pompano Beach Boat Parade. Belt problems. Not more than 7 or 8 people saw it. Serves them right, too for looking.

Below was the reunion party for what is left of our little group. Rene and Therese were with us in our thoughts and reminiscences. We need to get Therese down here somehow. The Westphalia is on the downward side of its useful life and Therese doesn't feel all that confident about it. It was not a gloomy review of times past because we all laugh uproariously about everything. Below Andre models a T-shirt I made him using a picture of Nicole's sailboat. Nicole needs long sleeves so I have a re-do but they liked them very much.

Jeanne went over the top with the canapes. We almost killed out appetites.

Nicole and Jeanne hoist their generous cocktails.

Nicole made Boef Bourguinon and a great supper for our little reunion at John Prince Park. The campground is looking good. I saw lots of faces I know. Wish I could say the same for their names!

I made it home by 10:30. My sweet children walked my dogs and turned on my Christmas decorations to welcome me home-all unbidden-just thoughtful. I am looking forward to a good "season."
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