Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kill The Bug 2011

Christmas is in our rear view mirror. Lori has staked out the morning of Christmas Eve for her "Kill the Bug Party" the tradition among the Polish being that to have a good snort and a nosh on Christmas Eve morning keeps you healthy. We should have plenty of healthy friends and neighbors on 6th Avenue and 8th Avenue. I helped this year by running to Costco and cooking quite a bit. All great fun for me. The party runs from 8 a.m. to Noon so "come in your jammies" is observed by a good percentage of the attendees. Mimosas, Bellinis, Bloody Mary's, Screwdrivers and wine and plain Champagne grease the skids. This year Mark Jaden performed acoustically on his guitar and was spectacular. A highlight for me was when he sang an original song that has "And you have a fantastic a__. as a lyric and the churchgoers as well as the heathens were out there shaking it. Jason took the video.

Next door neighbors (to Jason and Lori), Steve and Mariela, dressed (and cooked) for the event.

My nephew Chris and his longtime friend Mia attended. Her folks live in Palm Beach so we get to see them once a year. They live in Los Angeles-Chris is in the movie biz.

My neighbors, the Pattens, attended this year. A nice family-Matt is a Sniper for Broward Sheriff office. They do a lot together -he wins the "Clark Griswold Award" for over the top Christmas decorations in the neighborhood.

My across the street neighbor plays the tambourine and dances. Trish dances in the background. Though the party was supposed to be over at noon it was still going on at 5:00 p.m.. We missed David's Christmas Eve Party because things were still going on and Lori was sleeping hard- until 10 p.m. at which time she arose and went to 1:00 a.m. with Trish and Lori's niece. We counted 80+ attendees most of whom we knew. One of the last to leave was the Baptist minister's wife. Kind of makes you feel good.

Cleanup continues. We are anticipating the New Year's bash at David and Jacqui's.
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