Friday, February 10, 2012

Got the Drizzlies

Florida has as many varieties of rain as Wyoming has of snow. Sometimes it drops in sheets, sometimes in a drizzle, sometimes it is barely discernible as it was this morning. We have been fortunate in finding breaks to get our walks in. Yesterday we were half lucky and returned pretty damp-not so much me as I have a nylon windbreaker with an umbrella in its pocket for just such occasions. Wet dogs for sure. They enjoyed a vigorous toweling off.  Their wet feet made it a good day for cleaning house. It was a good day for cooking too. Made a couple of pans of tater-tot casserole and sent one home with Jason. Comfort food day with rain on the roof.  Nice. Jason has stayed busy while Lori and Sharon are cruising on Norwegian Epic. He has some kind of business deal brewing.

I like to follow the kid's cruises by the "bridge cams" - The Epic is here

I had a nightmare early this morning-Nightmare in the Senior Citizen genre:  I was searching frantically for a restroom. Fortunately I woke up. Slept three more hours in contentment.