Sunday, February 12, 2012


Snacks and the Grammy Awards tonight. Didn't feel like cooking so I ran up the street to Winn-Dixie and bought dog food for the babies, snacks for me, and enjoyed the show. My girl won. I had heard Adele and mentioned it to Lori so I have had the CD since Christmas to say nothing of its being played almost constantly on the radio down here. The more I see of her the more I like her. I enjoyed the show. The production values were very good though I have to confess, I am coasting into fuddy-duddy land. There were many artists who were unknown to me. I am still able to enjoy it all-even the novelties of the edgier stuff. I hear myself echoing Grandma's words "Well, forever more!"

I retrieved an avocado tree that my up-the -street-neighbor offered me. He planted it from seed. The one he planted three years ago is a beautiful little tree. Mine has some buggy spots so I sprayed it and am waiting to see how it does before I make a hole in the yard.

Cool mornings make for longer walks. I have taken the starch out of the hounds two mornings in a row. Get them pooped out literally and figuratively.
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