Monday, August 6, 2012

Cattle Drive!

My buddy Tye on Nellie

Camey on my buddy Duke
Thayne and Trooper
Daryne and Tye on the 4-wheeler, Kristi saddles up
 Twenty four owly heifers barely managed by eight cowboys were moved up to "Frankie's pasture." The cows were not used to this and young so they were prone to bolt and turn around and scatter but in the end, headed up the road. Honey tried to help put them back in the pasture-not helpful.

Two dog nights: With the night time temperatures hovering around 50 degrees it was necessary to add another dog on the bed. Honey starts out there but usually starts to pant and she heads for the porch. She has been sticking on these cool nights. I've been making her come in about 10:00 because she is very conscientious and will work all night if allowed. She is friskier with a good night's sleep as are we all. Her hair is starting to grow back over her mostly healed wounds. The dogs do enjoy the adventures here-something to chase, something to bark at, the ditch to wade in.

My main cell phone-due for an upgrade in October has a really dodgy battery-about one good call and it dies. I've been trying to get by as the original long-life battery was $65.00. But I checked out Amazon and found one for $9.00! I will spend that gladly. It should arrive momentarily. Will it be any good? Should be. .Amazon has been entertaining me. Five good mysteries of foreign extraction: Three featuring Kurt Wallendar, a Swedish detective, Two featuring DI Thorne in London and environs. and an ebook first novel set in the Il Centro area-funny and lots of action. It has since gone to paper. I think this is wonderful. People self publishing on Amazon and getting picked up based on success. 

I stopped for a visit with Delores and Don. back from their stay in West Virginia. It was an adventure this year and they loved it. When the power went out for nine days, the National Guard was right on top of it-brought them water and MRE's (meals ready to eat), and they cooked two hot meals  daily at the armory-breakfast and dinner which they attended. Couldn't say enough good about those boys. Her brother found a generator for them. A "Ho" moved into the neighborhood providing humor, speculation and a little tutting but mostly  entertainment for the neighbors. They had a good visit with Jayne and our other friends near Wingrove. I am glad I stopped there once upon a time because it provides a lot of context for the tales.
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