Friday, August 10, 2012

Fair to partly smoky

The smoke from forest fires in the region settled into the valley and environs. I was pretty much confined to the house relying on the aspen pads in the swamp cooler to filter the air. Nonetheless, I was battling congestion and air intake issues. A trip to town made me feel pretty bad. Buddy was sniffing air from the air conditioner in the car, I've been having to remove "eye boogers" from both dogs and blowing my own nose frequently. Rich thinks the smoke is from the Ferris Mountain fire which is about 60 miles from here. It seemed like perpetual dusk all day long. We are having a  little rain and wind right now I hope it clears the air and the lightning doesn't start more fires. 

Rich went to Salt Lake from his business trip to Rock Springs. He went to see our last Mason  cuzaunt and uncle who are enjoying(?) longevity genes. I think it was an anniverary-75th? I became persona non grata during the last election. I decided, correctly I think, that mean, bigoted, or just plain ignorant emails, if left unanswered, made me an accepting accomplice. The merde hit the propeller. I tried to carry on but in our regular correspondence therafter, an undercurrent of vitriol became evident. So I did the math: Subtract a person from my life, what is the result?  Entirely affordable. In any case, Rich enjoyed the visit.

The nine dollar battery arrived and seems just fine. perked up the phone, too-it seems to have a better signal.

The bags of detritus are accumulating. I have unearthed a few treasures also.  Thursdays seem to be my catch up on sleep days. The dreams have been interesting-they seem to be backward looking but not unpleasant. I wonder if it is not some mechanism of aging.  I hope it is some method of refreshing memories rather than brain rot.

Jason has been fighting illness ever since he got back from Texas. He mentioned a doctor and more antibiotics. I  inquire but he is not very forthcoming.  I want him well! Matt seems to be reveling in his garden produce and a new deck in the backyard. He is quite the urban farmer. Three allowable chickens are providing cackleberries.