Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just because I ought to

I am alive and well, enjoying 40 degree mornings, snuggling with the dogs at night, doing some reading and continuing the sorting out and pitching away process.  The smoke etc. resulted in a nasty sinus inection which I made short business of with antibiotics and sleep-though a day and a half just disappeared on me and now my sleep cycles are disturbed.

Jason seems to have recovered somewhat-after four weeks of misery. He had a sinus infection that went rogue-he has an open ended antibiotic prescription. The infection went into every part of his body and sub-cellular.He was pretty mum about his health but he sounded chipper when he finally did call. And truth to tell I would have been even more worried had I known what was going on.  Matthew continues to delight me with his Facebook entries: some hysterical, some deep, some touching, but all Matt.

My Internet connection is now smoking-very fast. I wonder if the change in plan made some difference. Surely Verizon wouldn't have choked me down to increase their revenue. Surely banks wouldn't manipulate interest rates to increase their profits. You know we are well and truly scr***d.

The dogs are frisky in the mornings and evenings and highly entertaining. The cool really agrees with them.  It has also cleared out most of the flies and mosquitoes. The smoke creeps back but not as bad as it was. I have never welcomed wind quite as much as lately.

I was in twilight stage this a.m. and evidently hungry because I made a plan to go to the Olympian for breakfast. Too bad it is 2500 miles away.