Saturday, December 1, 2012

Catch Up

Lori, Jason and the O.F. went to Ruth's Criss Steakhouse for  Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. The ambience was ritzy, the staff attentive, the food very tasty. We each ordered a different side and Jason went the extra step and ordered all the sides! For his kindness he noted a $30.00 charge for a side of green beans. They fixed it but we noted somebody else had the same problem.  Kind of makes you go "hmmm."  One difference between the commonplace and the ritzy is the quality of the "to go" bags. Although we were completely pleased with the taste of our food we all had the queasies the next day.A leisurely drive home on the A-1-A: Ft. Lauderdale to Deerfield made the perfect outing. We were among the last to traverse it as the high tides and storms washed part of it away along with big swathes of beach.

The war on the snails seem to be working. My nearly bare Bougainvillea bushes are already leafing out and getting showy. A little TLC on the other plants has them looking better too. My master gardener friend Sooz sent organic solutions for snail problems (beer salt, and   tipped over pots). I am completely committed to organic solutions until I find a hole in a leaf-then the poison comes out.

Thayne called-he saw the mail lady was putting mail in my mailbox. The forwarding notice evidently didn't register. I thought it had because there was no shortage of mail here. It was crisp in Wyoming ad they were getting ready to bring the cows back from the mountain pasture. It has been very moderate weather here. Loving it

I have resumed my upper body workouts and only pay at bedtime. Tylenol is effective. We have resumed daily walks with the dogs but Hoey is wearing her pinch collar. I am not crazy about those collars but she is a strong willful girl and it is a matter of self preservation: it is this way or no-way. She seems to enjoy the walks as much as Buster. We still go to the dog park once or twice a week.

I  got to Labcorp for my blood tests and should hear from Dr. Cohn before long. So overall I am doing pretty well.  Mobile, and upright.

The Christmas decorations came out and were arranged and lit. I do like the shiny lights but I probably annoy with my largely secular or pagan displays.

Rich called a few minutes ago..He and Val are in Hawaii to visit Val's daughter, Melissa.  found them a cabin in the forest with hot tub and abundant bird and vegetation life. They helicoptered to a volcano eruption site and followed the magma to the sea. Hawaii has a high altitude of 14,000 feet.

Greg and Lew called as they were pulling out  of their hometown on their migration southward.