Monday, January 28, 2013

Deerfield Beach Artfest with Juneau

A beautiful day at the Beach-dogs allowed today.


Chopsticks Already!

Island noodles all around.

A Sunday outing with the kids, their houseguest, Brandon, the O.F. and Juneau. My pups stayed home. We have been having gorgeous weather-cool fronts making thngs very temperate-even causing overshirts to make their appearance.  Juneau led us right to the food court and visited several vendors. Grampy sprung for a BBQ pork sandwich and Juneau got his bites. Island noodles and other good things too numerous to mention or sample were all around us. The artisans are getting stiff-necked about people taking photographs of their work. So I did not take many.  Didn't buy anything either. 

It was great being out on the beach and amongst the teeming throngs-people watching is GREAT down here. Unfortunately I started to "run out of gas" before the adventure was over. Jason kindly fetched the car while Lori sat with me. A nap later I was rested. I will look forward to getting "fixed."- not THAT way but heartwise.
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