Thursday, September 22, 2011

A gentle nudge

A gentle nudge from the Wyoming home folk is producing this Blog Entry.  I enjoy blogging but I have to admit that many of my days are remarkably similar providing little fodder for comment these days.  I went to the beach to take pictures to post yesterday but there was yellow "caution tape" strung from one end to the other. The whole of Sout Florida is girding its loins for the onslaught of the snowbirds. The beach is getting a facelift so it looks really crummy right now. The good side is I am starting to hear from some of my snowbird friends (Nicole and Andre are in Croatio now. Email finds me and if I had been home I could have had had a Skype call from Croatia.  But I will see them before too awfully long.  Jeanne and Marc are due any day. Skrables have reservations.

Got a call from from Greg with shocking news. He was four wheeling and a man bumped them from behind three times and he and the girl tat was riding with him went sailing. He has several titanium plates and a box of screws in his face and head. He was flown to Syracuse. The girl had a broken shoulder. Greg had been to their attorney on the day they called. He is still unable to chew and has great pain. I feel so badly for him.  Lew will know when to go see the doc if he starts to slide.

I'm lucky to see the Florida kids pretty often. Jason works intensely at whatever he does and the house is no exception. It is looking great. Before and after pictures soo. While he has some really good tradesmen to do a lot, he still is wallboarding, wiring, landscaping and plumbing as well as tail-twisting on the crafts people. Tom the painter left for the Bahamas to paint a railroad car/ofice yesterday. Max the cabinet guy left for Bermuda today to do a high-end job.

I am staying pretty busy too- I help Jason when he'll let me (not often) and working at my projects around the house.  Juneau comes for the evening walk sometimes.  He is a stitch.