Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Deerfield Heat

The neighbors across the street Home School. Joshua, Caleb and Benjamin are the boys, Sharon is the mom-tutor, Rick is dad and Defensive Coach. They invited me to a football game about three blocks from here at the Middle School Park Complex- a very nice complex with playing fields, an Olympic sized pool and other well kept amenities. The Deerfield Heat played a divisional team-mostly black, bigger, and faster, with the results you would expect. I left when it was 24 to 0 and the visitors were putting in the second and third string. Joshua, the eldest neighbor kid is fearless and skilled. He either made or was in on every single tackle. His hero is Tim Tebow who was also home schooled here in Florida.

The Heat even has a pep band-not bad. It took me back to my Steamboat Springs days. With graduating classes of 32, you made do with what you had and it was amateurish but great fun.

Some great rainstorms have broken the heat a few times-it is muggy but it does not slow Jason down. He dry-walled the kitchen in the "project house." He can do it all. Flower beds are in. I rode with him to pick up the Mercedes today. He had a rental car while the Mercedes was in the hospital (His neighbor, Vickie, backed out of her driveway and creamed it.) Got to Drive a Ford Edge from Margate-it is a very nice car. Fun to do. I went to Home Depot to get materials for my own project which is more or less trying to salvage another project which set a record for going south in less than half a day. I'll take a picture when/if the project is finished.
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