Friday, September 16, 2011

Lizard Poop

I found a night-time deposit on my garage carpet. Lizard Poop.I have declared environmentally correct war on the little varmints. They have practically denuded one of my Bougainvillea bushes. I bought a bottle of Iguana-Rid at Ace.  The active ingredients are garlic oil and cinammon oil. It is environmentally non toxic but to lizards and humans it stinks. It does seem t have reduced the number of the critters in front. The dogs terrorize the ones in back sufficiently-so far. It makes their lives interesting. They leave the chute at a dead run to try and catch a lizard.

Jason is going after the project house intensely. I asked him if he were enjoying it-He said yes. The carpet went in today. It did not match the sample.  He was upset. Lori was there and I suggested we go to my house for awhile and look at it fresh later. He decided it was O.K.  The inside painting is done except for a little touch-up. It is going to be a handsome house. Wish I had taken "before" pictures. 

Friday has become housekeeping day: dry mopped, vacuumed, damp mopped, dusted, washed a couple of windows and did three loads of laundry...and cleaned up one pile of lizard poop. Place looks spiffy.