Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Redux

Jason decided we needed a family Thanksgiving after Lori returned. Going out for Thanksgiving as delightful as it is to taste other folk's traditions, does have the drawback of no leftovers, also. So Sunday at 2:00 Trish, and Jason and Lori and moi gathered for a Turkey and trimmings. Jason produced it all- prize winning mashed potatoes, dressing, turkey, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, home cooked rolls. It was delicious. Trish, who originated in England, brought one of her fabled "trifles" for dessert. It was delectable- We asked about the recipe. As soon as she said "peel two pounds of grapes," Lori and I said "Stop!" We knew full well that peeling two pounds of grapes in our kitchens was a non-starter. Not to mention the whipping cream from scratch and the cognac. Made it all the sweeter to savor on the occasion.

Nana's china was overflowing! At least mine was. We started to go into post-turkey coma even after strong coffee. Lori suggested we take Trish to see the kitchen Jason did-as she wants to re-do hers. We all went on a dogwalk in my neighborhood which helped postpone nap time. When Jason delivered leftovers just in time for the 8:00 p.m. munchies, I learned that I was not the only one who required a nap. We got our turkey sandwiches!