Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wanna see my Frangipani?

Still life: Frangipani with fly.

Since getting some positive reaction to pictures of the "compound" I posted a few more to the same web album. Much of my foliage is "rescue" from curbsides. I enjoy taking them home and seeing if I can get them to thrive. Most do well with a little water, fertilizer and bug spray. As Jason says, "Florida is conducive to life."   Friend Janet inquired as to mosquitoes and I am happy to report that while they do exist and we all use heartworm preventative for our mutts, they are practically non-existent as a nuisance.

Niece Alicia posted on her Facebook feed "Please pray for my brother who is undergoing brain surgery at this moment."  Brother Rich had a lesson in the power of social networking because calls and texts started arriving instantaneously.while he was in the hospital waiting room.

Sunday Rich described his emotional roller coaster:
Call from the hospital.: horror and panic
During the operation: grief and praying
Post-operation: relief and cautious optimism
Upon learning that the injury was a result of Justin skate boarding down Garden Creek Road without a helmet: White hot rage.

The boy is receiving good care-2 days in ICU, now attended in a room with 24/7  nursing, prospect of some rehab being necessary, but after they removed the hematoma, the brain seemed healthy enough. He is ambulatory to the bathroom but the road rash and bruises are still painful. So the cautious optimism continues... If his dad doesn't strangle him.

Stephenson's brought me a home grown green pepper stuffed with jambalaya for my dinner Tuesday. Baked a potato in the nuker and was living high-really excellent.
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