Friday, March 9, 2012

Week in Review- March 9

NOTE: I think I fixed the broken link in the last post-if you want to see the pictures.

Puttering-or as I like to call it-"fiddle-f___ting around:" The weather was windy or rainy or windy and rainy which I like to think was a sort of spring-cleansing. But it kept us indoors more. We did not miss a walk but we called it pretty close a couple of times and just got damp.  Honey has her breed characteristics although she is getting downright mushy with Jason and is socializing much better.

People down here put their yard waste on the parking in front of their houses. The dogs like to explore and "water" the piles. One pile attracted Honey's attention and she stuck her nose in and pulled out a big rat. She was so proud of herself I let her take it home with its tail flopped over her ear and put her in the side gate and left her to it.
After a couple of episodes of late night barking I took pavers and blocked up the access to under the shed. The dogs figured it out but the possum who was at the heart of the disturbances didn't. Honey had learned about "playing possum" from her last possum encounter so she killed this one three times. It stayed dead. They are completely creepy.

Jason and Lori gave me a birdbath which I installed and it took about 5 minutes before it was employed. Oh, they enjoy it. It makes me laugh.  I refurbed the feeder and put it out, too.

I cooked and cooked this week- made tater tot casserole for my kids and the Stephenson's across the street. Three teen aged boys in that household. We trade stuff-little gestures-plate of cookies, the occasional dinner. I made  oatmeal craisin cookies to share around the neighborhood. I think I interruptussed something next door when I delivered-I thought 1:20 on Sunday afternoon would be safe.

Made probably 10 pounds of Ziti yesterday: some to share, some to eat, some to freeze. I am getting better at that dish. My kids like it.

Lori and some of her girlfriends went to the Coconut Creek Casino to try to get on "The Price is Right" which is being taped a few miles from here. I'll hear more about that tomorrow.

My most recent cleaning lady, Luila, a native of Brazil, passed her Citizenship test with flying colors. She is a sweet and conscientious girl. Has a good eye to making things look orderly. The kids kind of insist on me having a cleaning lady- I think I am keeping things clean and in good order. In fact I clean before the ladies come and they complain there is nothing to do. Not that I don't enjoy having them. They do see things I miss (or don't care about). And it always looks and smells nice.

Thank God for My little Audrey had her birthday at home this year-last year it was here. She keeps her own counsel with Matt apparently but tells Grampie what she wants. Christmas it was Moxie Dolls and stuff.  Birthday was Furreals- fuzzy toys that "do things." I would have been a complete loss trying to find them in a retail store.