Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lazy Fall Day

Slept until 10:00-it was delicious but not  unexpected when one reads until 2:00. Guy came with his big pickup, after getting his horses shod and raking his hayfield and we loaded bag after bag of garbage and took them to the dump yesterday, bless him. Things are starting to look manageable.  There will be more but the van should serve for that.  Celebration for a big load off.

Caught this bird with a 35X zoom which is trickier than you might think. At that magnification, even your pulse causes wobble. It was either a juvenile bald eagle of which we have several or a big old hawk. Buddy keeps his eyes peeled for these predators.  The coyotes are howling in the various fields around here. The dogs work very hard from suppertime until I make them come in usually 9:30 or 10:30. Even Honey is ready for a rest.

It was close to 30 degrees morning before last-now we should really get some color. The days warm up nicely but do not seem hot  Gives you that nice fall feeling.
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