Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gray Day

Rain is predicted-I am fine with that.  Black Bing Cherry Tea is in the cup after two cups of java-my limit. I got my fence built. If anyone wants to get in anyplace they are going to do it but at least the fence will cost them some effort and leave evidence. The oasis is turning golden with accents of red-soon the leaves will be falling in the irrigation canal, creating a May chore. At 10:00 a.m. it is still 40 degrees- a little cool-ish for me to be out and about. Buddy is my soul-mate in this. He runs out, takes care of business, gives some fierce barks in every direction and heads for the house.  Honey is in her element.  She is an outdoor girl.

I have stayed a little too long for my neighbors. Harlan came down and confessed to the use of my root cellar. He is about to get carrots and potatoes so he needs a place to store them. I suspect my tiller is up at his house too. I didn't pitch a fit as things are tenuous enough and after all, I am gone part of the year. He has big money but is so cheap he infuriates me. He was bragging how they go to the Casino on Tuesdays and between him and his wife, they cash in their  free lunch tickets and get the open face prime rib sandwich to go  for 50 cents and take it home and split it. Of course they drive the Cadillac down there. I am sure he gets a stiffie when he does it. No room in my life for cheapskates

I have made a lot of progress but I have to admit the place is not ready for prime time. I will continue until I leave and look forward to doing more next summer.   I have survived and thrived here and see no reason not to continue until my battery runs down.