Thursday, September 6, 2012

Still Learning

The dogs learned about skunks last night.  I learned about leaving on the air part of the swamp cooler overnight-damn cold in the morning. It seemed like a good idea at the time because the dogs were pretty fragrant. But things are manageable today. I will head up to Fort Washakie today. The road  is being constructed. As usual the Feglers are grasping and conniving. I hope to put an end to that. To add insult to injury I discovered that while I was on extended leave for my illness, they sneaked in and made improvements to my root cellar, in anticipation of my croaking and gaining the spoils.  There is no end to them. At the Fort I will make sure they know that the end slice of land is mine. They are attempting to get the tribes to put in a closed irrigation pipe that will circumvent my property and the trees.

Otherwise, I been making progress and squeezing in some fun. Delores threw a birthday party for husband Don (76)and me(69) . Sat in the garage and had a nice picnic.  Denis and Ida came up and we all had a good visit. Doggies got along. We had a good laugh at ourselves-it is not as if we are getting to be old-Ida had fallen off a ladder washing windows and was stove up. Don was tethered to his oxygen concentrator. As we were passing around his oximeter to measure oxygen levels and pulses- Denis and Ida's pulses were quite high-100 plus. We had to laugh- this is the entertainment for the older set!  Don's color was not good and he disappeared for awhile. He came back and announced he had a good dump!   He was looking better. Of course we have lots to talk about and do just that. Lots of history and changes. We do laugh.

Rich and Val went to Thermopolis to swim and over to Riverton to meet me at the Casino for lunch on Labor Day. It was a very pleasant visit. Valerie did well on the slots-I couldn't make mine work. Then she played Craps and won, then we all took a lesson on how to play Roulette.  Very agreeable time and I was so glad to see them.