Saturday, December 1, 2012

Catch Up

Lori, Jason and the O.F. went to Ruth's Criss Steakhouse for  Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. The ambience was ritzy, the staff attentive, the food very tasty. We each ordered a different side and Jason went the extra step and ordered all the sides! For his kindness he noted a $30.00 charge for a side of green beans. They fixed it but we noted somebody else had the same problem.  Kind of makes you go "hmmm."  One difference between the commonplace and the ritzy is the quality of the "to go" bags. Although we were completely pleased with the taste of our food we all had the queasies the next day.A leisurely drive home on the A-1-A: Ft. Lauderdale to Deerfield made the perfect outing. We were among the last to traverse it as the high tides and storms washed part of it away along with big swathes of beach.

The war on the snails seem to be working. My nearly bare Bougainvillea bushes are already leafing out and getting showy. A little TLC on the other plants has them looking better too. My master gardener friend Sooz sent organic solutions for snail problems (beer salt, and   tipped over pots). I am completely committed to organic solutions until I find a hole in a leaf-then the poison comes out.

Thayne called-he saw the mail lady was putting mail in my mailbox. The forwarding notice evidently didn't register. I thought it had because there was no shortage of mail here. It was crisp in Wyoming ad they were getting ready to bring the cows back from the mountain pasture. It has been very moderate weather here. Loving it

I have resumed my upper body workouts and only pay at bedtime. Tylenol is effective. We have resumed daily walks with the dogs but Hoey is wearing her pinch collar. I am not crazy about those collars but she is a strong willful girl and it is a matter of self preservation: it is this way or no-way. She seems to enjoy the walks as much as Buster. We still go to the dog park once or twice a week.

I  got to Labcorp for my blood tests and should hear from Dr. Cohn before long. So overall I am doing pretty well.  Mobile, and upright.

The Christmas decorations came out and were arranged and lit. I do like the shiny lights but I probably annoy with my largely secular or pagan displays.

Rich called a few minutes ago..He and Val are in Hawaii to visit Val's daughter, Melissa.  found them a cabin in the forest with hot tub and abundant bird and vegetation life. They helicoptered to a volcano eruption site and followed the magma to the sea. Hawaii has a high altitude of 14,000 feet.

Greg and Lew called as they were pulling out  of their hometown on their migration southward.  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life is Better


Saturday lunch at the Cove was a pleasant interlude. We drove and watched the boats pull up this time as opposed to  our disembarking. I discovered the Green Market-it changes places every year it seems  Afterwards Lori invited me to view the stuff that is going out the door as new stuff is coming in the door. I got some treasures though I pledge to keep it down-enough stuff here already. The remodel is coming right along-I can foresee the end result. I think it will be stunning.  
The doggies at play in the backyard. They had a good outing at the dog park and came home full of beans.
Dog people are nice people. It is nice to socialize with them while the doggies do the same.  They got their very first neighborhood walk this very day. The mornings have been on the brisk side so there was no need to beat the heat and I got the  morning soreness out before we went. It went pretty well  though there was some after-pain. I am able to do more and more. The yard is benefiting. Some of my plants needed some TLC.  I went to Ace to see if there was something that would kill snails as they were devastating some plants. The helpful hardware man kind of creeped me out telling how he knows Bug-Getta works because he sees the snails foaming at the mouth. He was a little too gleeful.

Of course I have been reading,reading. reading as well as enjoying some football. The Ducks/Stanford game was a thriller, though I was rooting for the Ducks. Enjoyed the Steelers game for the drama.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The weather in Wyoming is getting pretty chilly in my neighborhood-some 19's and 32's on the thermometer. Meanwhile Florida, in my neighborhood, has been almost magically temperate. The door is frequently open to admit dogs and fresh air and the air conditioner rarely kicks on at 76 degrees. A little rain a little wind but nice.

My aches are receding quite a bit and I can now do quite a few things around here. That is a real boost to the old attitude. I can see that falls for seniors have more import- I reflect on getting bucked off a horse onto my head and recovering in a few days, hanging by my ankle from a chain drive International dump truck-that required a cast,  getting run over by a hay sled, and numerous bike and motorsickle rashes but nothing that has has hung on so long or been so dispiriting.

I got an e-mail from Big Lots that they had rope lights for $6.50 a strand and since my last year garden lights are mostly toast and were causing the breaker to trip I went up there. Found a Kay Scarpetta book for $3.00- a big fat hardback that revealed how spoiled I am by the Kindle experience. Not handy at all for reading while dining, requires bright light, and is heavy. On the other hand, books don't need to be charged up. The Kindle reader resides on all of my "devices" so it goes everywhere and I always have something to read and always on the page where I left off..

The kids went to Charm City and brought yummy burgers for lunch the other day. Between their sickness and remodeling stuff, I have not seen much of them so the visit was a treat. They are mending and making progress.

Next time I will have done something interesting-I promise

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

The pundits are nattering about nothing as the ballots are counted. I voted in Wyoming. I'm not sure what the fuss is about-we have a choice between a Democrat wimp and another clueless Republican. The result in either case: we are screwed. The media reminds me of pow-wow announcers-no dead air even if you have to speak in tongues.

Honey found a big ol' poison toad this evening and I had to rinse her mouth and wash her gums with a microfiber cloth. She seems fine but I am not her favorite parson right now. We did get to the dog park yesterday. It had been closed for 8 weeks due to storm related swampiness. They enjoyed their time and slept well. The dog park is one left turn and one right turn-then a straight shot down Highway 1.

Today Amazon via Fedex delivered  a steering wheel knob. In the olden days we called them "necking knobs" because they allowed you to steer and have one arm around your girl (waaay before bucket seats). I had checked West Marine for one, checked the $70.00 price tag and hit Amazon.  I wanted one that flipped down like my brother had in his old Chrysler sedan. I couldn't find  one exactly like it but finally ordered one billed as "Folding steering knob for beginners and Korea girls." ($22.00) I installed it 3 times given my gimpiness but it works fine and I can turn left and right without whining with pain. I am glad to have some (auto)mobility back.

Truth to tell I am getting a little bummed-cabin fever due to the aches from the fall. After the major left arm pain lessened, the ones on my hip and right wrist emerged.  Hurt to sit, get up, etc. but that is much better. My left arm is some better but is still very painful-can't slice an onion, can't lift my coffee cup, have to reach across to close the car door,  and worst of all, I reach a painful spot before my fork gets to my mouth.

But life goes on and I have done a lot of little puttering around  tasks. The vacuum cleaner works right-handed. Jason and Lori have a bug but I got it together enough to put some homemade chicken soup together (no sliced onions), put the crock pot in the van and steering -knobbed myself all 8 blocks to their house.Kept my distance.  Bless their hearts-their house is still in disarray but coming right along.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

From the phone

Posting from the phone for a trial run.

Friday, October 26, 2012

How's the Weather?

We left Florida in July with hurricane Isaac impending and here we are hoping that Sandy will give us a miss. The huge storm systems have effects beyond their destructive core. The rain falls at a 45 degree angle at times and the winds gust, riptides make the beaches unsafe, schools close and events are postponed.   My chickee hut stays pretty dry. I have been watching carefully because I have, of course, extended music equipment out there.

My left arm is coloring very impressively from wrist to shoulder- lemon yellow to deep purple. Happily, range of motion is greater and pain is less though as the day goes on, the aches increase.  I have been reading incessantly as it focuses my mind on something else. Besides, I enjoy it and have discovered a couple of $3.99 Kindle series that I like. I have read Rowling's A Casual Vacancy and liked it. She is always humanistic even when she takes apart genteel society in rural England ala Grace Metalious (Peyton Place).

Lori has gone to Texas for 10 days. Jason has been a brick-checking on me and making a grocery run.  He has a full plate with tilers, carpenters, painters and awning people to supervise. He also has a new business. He thrives on it until he doesn't and debilitating headaches set in.

The poor dogs are bored but that is what they get when they injure the leader of the pack. Juneau comes to visit and he gets them going-or vice-versa. They do play in the house and yard but the weather hinders that somewhat.

I have things on my to-do list but they will wait until I can hold a screwdriver, drive etc.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Florida Surprises

Hurricane Isaac although hundreds of miles away spawned some nasty weather on the east coast of Florida. My patio canopy and my RV canopy were among the casualties. Lori thought a genuine Seminole Tiki hut would make a nice surprise. Did it ever! It is amazingly cool and cozy under the sheltering palm fronds. Somehow, the whole neighborhood knew about it and kept it a secret from me. It is glorious and I am practically living in it. Having some fun fixing up a "bar"-it has been rain tested and stays pretty dry.  Y'all come-I'll make margaritas.

The trip was pretty good-very little night driving but I made good time and we were without negative incident. It was as enjoyable as a 2600 mile drive can be. That is a long way to drive.

Not so nice surprise:  Thank goodness for "hillbilly heroin." Walking the dogs the second night here, using the retractable leashes. They were being good and there was considerable slack in the leashes. They caught sight of a cat and I went splat. Bloody gash over my eye, face first on the sidewalk. I collected myself for a minute and a nice young man came over to help. I got up under my own steam and retrieved Honey. Buddy had snapped his collar. I went on home with blood dripping down my face. Then the arm injuries became apparent-incredible pain. Jason took me to the nearest urgent care. I had X-rays and caught a glimpse into the economics of urgent care. Blood tests?  $100.00 tetanus shot?  "Come back tomorrow"-more X-rays?  The pain prescription the doctor gave me the first night could not be filled- too rare and dosage too small. Made it through the night with Tylenol and no sleep whatsoever. The PAC who saw me the next day raised her eyebrows at the prescription and ordered some heavy duty Percocet which is good for the pain but puts one in La-La land. A major ingredient is oxycodone which is hillbilly heroin in West Virginia. So I have spent a couple of days swinging from comatose to yelps of pain. The thumb on my left hand is useful only as a handle for my right hand to move my arm. Still, I am recovering; I can move the mouse if I grit my teeth and move slowly. Looking forward to being able to drive someday soon. .
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Monday, October 15, 2012

Van Camping

No beans about it, we are at a TA travel center in Marianna Florida. Last night we put on the  dog and stayed at a Motel 6 in Texas. I put some improvements in amenities in the Van before I left: a camping pad if I want to get flat, and a hassock to put my feet on if I want to just recline. I was hoping to make to my old bolt-hole in Quincy at the Flying J but we ran into fog and this seemed good enough. We are back in the South and I am embracing it: grits, collard greens, making sure I specify "unsweet tea." There were lots of folks hawking their sweet potatoes from roadside trucks. And churches! There are so many sects and churches I wonder how many people could be in the congregations. As it is Sunday, I only saw a few full parking lots. Wetter and greener than in Wyoming.

Friday, October 12, 2012


After a visit with my brother -took him and Val to supper at Guadalajara? And caught up on family stuff. Jim and Susie were fine-her latest PETscan was clear, she said, I took off very early  from Casper and arrived in Pampa in the dark. Through the grace of God and Garmin, we made it. I was clueless the last two hours. The doggies were good as gold and are enjoying the playground in the back yard today. They were reassured to be in familiar territory. I decided to take a rest day here today. After 14 hours driving, I found myself still drowsy after getting up. Better to nap here than on the road.

Monday, October 8, 2012


There has been snow and there has been frozen water.  Launch time is close but I will not advertise. Most of my business has been finished. My phone finally became inoperable after some keys fell off it. This is the model that is built to military specs- haha. God save the troops! The old number will be ported to the new phone when I get it in the winter location.Meanwhile, voice messages will show up in my GMail account.

Jason and Lori are still at my residence but things are finishing up at their house and I will be in transit for a few days. Should work out just fine and if it doesn't I would kind of enjoy staying in the RV.

Went by Hall's to take a little birthday offering and her elder son and girlfriend were visiting from St. Paul. It was fun to see them and they seem fine. Life does trundle along.The kids grow up and we grow old.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Fixed my computer: I Googled "computer stops suddenly" and found several answers that focused on overheating CPU's. So I got the vacuum and sucked a lot of dust out the cooling ducts. Voila!  Hasn't quit on me since.

"The north wind doth blow." A low temperature of 27 degrees is forecast for tomorrow. Jason says they will be back home this weekend. The chill wind reminds me of how that feels and why I like to go south.The time is nearing.

Rich's wife Val has raised some remarkable daughters-smart and fearless. Her two younger ones are backpacking through Central and South America.  Fascinating Blog can be found here     I have tested the link. Val's Facebook page gave the address but it took me a lot of time to make it work finally.

Closer to home, one of my blogger followers, (an old friend's daughter ) has started a blog  She is a Seattleite (suburban area) with Wyoming roots. She writes vividly.

Saw an old school teacher  acquaintance (and I do mean old-but vital) who informed me that another former employee had fallen off a ladder and lay there until found expired.  Eila and Leora had coffee or tea at the Trailhead restaurant nearly daily since retiring. I joined them once in awhile to catch up on things. As Hank Laskowski,  English professor/ friend used to to greet me "We're ALL going to die."

Left my phone in the car for two days and thereby missed Rich wanting to schedule a lunch meeting on his way through. Drat. I hate to miss an opportunity to see him. He is having biopsies on his prostate. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. I think his insurance might be too good.

Getting the Van tricked out for travel. I am only taking about six things from here back with me. I am getting the hang of traveling light and of course have plenty of stuff in both destinations.

Buddy is driving me nuts-he is afraid he is going to miss something outside but then gets cold- 10 times in and out today.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gray Day

Rain is predicted-I am fine with that.  Black Bing Cherry Tea is in the cup after two cups of java-my limit. I got my fence built. If anyone wants to get in anyplace they are going to do it but at least the fence will cost them some effort and leave evidence. The oasis is turning golden with accents of red-soon the leaves will be falling in the irrigation canal, creating a May chore. At 10:00 a.m. it is still 40 degrees- a little cool-ish for me to be out and about. Buddy is my soul-mate in this. He runs out, takes care of business, gives some fierce barks in every direction and heads for the house.  Honey is in her element.  She is an outdoor girl.

I have stayed a little too long for my neighbors. Harlan came down and confessed to the use of my root cellar. He is about to get carrots and potatoes so he needs a place to store them. I suspect my tiller is up at his house too. I didn't pitch a fit as things are tenuous enough and after all, I am gone part of the year. He has big money but is so cheap he infuriates me. He was bragging how they go to the Casino on Tuesdays and between him and his wife, they cash in their  free lunch tickets and get the open face prime rib sandwich to go  for 50 cents and take it home and split it. Of course they drive the Cadillac down there. I am sure he gets a stiffie when he does it. No room in my life for cheapskates

I have made a lot of progress but I have to admit the place is not ready for prime time. I will continue until I leave and look forward to doing more next summer.   I have survived and thrived here and see no reason not to continue until my battery runs down.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What big Eyes!

Sent "his and her" yellow- Lab shirts for Jason and Lori's anniversary-celebrating their family. They  got there a little late -2 weeks but they will have some fun. They amuse ME. anyway.  I can see they are hanging around my house while the remodeling goes on. It is a comfortable, nice house. I am sure they are enjoying it.

We got RAIN today. The first legitimate rain with drops on my metal roof since I have been here. It was most welcome and it seemed a good day to put the swamp cooler to bed for the year. That is dang near all I accomplished-stayed warm, napped, read, played Word, did a little cleaning and cooked for us.

Yesterday was almost a bust too-though I did clean and putz around between football games-both my teams lost- but there was some good football. Then came the incomprehensible Emmy Awards. They succeeded in speeding it up but it was like a high school awards banquet. Didn't finish it. Without cable in either residence, I had little frame of reference.
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lazy Fall Day

Slept until 10:00-it was delicious but not  unexpected when one reads until 2:00. Guy came with his big pickup, after getting his horses shod and raking his hayfield and we loaded bag after bag of garbage and took them to the dump yesterday, bless him. Things are starting to look manageable.  There will be more but the van should serve for that.  Celebration for a big load off.

Caught this bird with a 35X zoom which is trickier than you might think. At that magnification, even your pulse causes wobble. It was either a juvenile bald eagle of which we have several or a big old hawk. Buddy keeps his eyes peeled for these predators.  The coyotes are howling in the various fields around here. The dogs work very hard from suppertime until I make them come in usually 9:30 or 10:30. Even Honey is ready for a rest.

It was close to 30 degrees morning before last-now we should really get some color. The days warm up nicely but do not seem hot  Gives you that nice fall feeling.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall is in the air

Chilly mornings have required space heaters, we are getting some color in the leaves, the plants are hardening off, homegrown tomatoes are ripe. It is feeling definitely like fall and  I love it.  The doggies are frisky and fuzzy. As the time for going south gets nearer I find myself trying to imprint the mountains on my soul and rushing a little to get time with my friends.The smoke continues and this time I can see the flames in the mountains. Ash is settling in the yard.  I am tired of that.

 As I am a gestalt-ish person, the preps to go and the buttoning up are ongoing in 12 different directions . I have decided to build a short fence to discourage visitors. Guy is going to help me haul my trash bags to the dump.  Guy and Janet had their annual pancake breakfast-Janet's sourdough pancake starter is more than 20 years old and makes great pancakes. Mrs. Gillette brought wild currant syrup and Janet's mom made old-fashioned syrup. Very nice people to be with.  They had a date to go help at a cattle gathering  near Midwest, WY so I fed their doggies and kitties Friday-Sunday.. My dogs wanted so badly to get acquainted with their kitties.

The trips to Fort Washakie were semi-productive. Nothing to sign yet. I have done all I can do in conscience and whatever will be will be. (Cue up Doris Day)

Denis and Ida brought me wild salmon and monkfish from Denis's Sitka fishing trip as a birthday present.  The salmon was broiled with butter and lemon pepper and was delectable- baked potato and Janet's homegrown tomatoes. Living high on occasion.

Jason called this evening. They are undertaking a massive remodel at their house. He told me I could dawdle awhile longer as they might well be spending some time at my house. It took a little pressure off because I was workng toward a deadline about a week away. I am happy here and I am happy there- so very lucky, am I.    

Matt is busy canning and preserving-he discovered drying habanera peppers is equivalent to spraying bear spray in the house. He is really into the urban gardening thing (and the eating well, thing)

I watched the whole Ring of the Nibelung on PBS. It was amazing in parts-kind of an endurance test in others. I had heard so much over the years about this music and how it inspired Hitler's Germany. It struck me that it could as easily been read as anti-authoritarian as well. Perhaps seditious. Glad  I got this 12 hour opportunity.  Have been reading the Hunger Games trilogy. PBS's Wallendar mysteries with Kenneth Branagh is good though my reading of the books renders a better Kurt Wallendar.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Still Learning

The dogs learned about skunks last night.  I learned about leaving on the air part of the swamp cooler overnight-damn cold in the morning. It seemed like a good idea at the time because the dogs were pretty fragrant. But things are manageable today. I will head up to Fort Washakie today. The road  is being constructed. As usual the Feglers are grasping and conniving. I hope to put an end to that. To add insult to injury I discovered that while I was on extended leave for my illness, they sneaked in and made improvements to my root cellar, in anticipation of my croaking and gaining the spoils.  There is no end to them. At the Fort I will make sure they know that the end slice of land is mine. They are attempting to get the tribes to put in a closed irrigation pipe that will circumvent my property and the trees.

Otherwise, I been making progress and squeezing in some fun. Delores threw a birthday party for husband Don (76)and me(69) . Sat in the garage and had a nice picnic.  Denis and Ida came up and we all had a good visit. Doggies got along. We had a good laugh at ourselves-it is not as if we are getting to be old-Ida had fallen off a ladder washing windows and was stove up. Don was tethered to his oxygen concentrator. As we were passing around his oximeter to measure oxygen levels and pulses- Denis and Ida's pulses were quite high-100 plus. We had to laugh- this is the entertainment for the older set!  Don's color was not good and he disappeared for awhile. He came back and announced he had a good dump!   He was looking better. Of course we have lots to talk about and do just that. Lots of history and changes. We do laugh.

Rich and Val went to Thermopolis to swim and over to Riverton to meet me at the Casino for lunch on Labor Day. It was a very pleasant visit. Valerie did well on the slots-I couldn't make mine work. Then she played Craps and won, then we all took a lesson on how to play Roulette.  Very agreeable time and I was so glad to see them.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Barn Burner

Janet and Guy wanted to meet at Little Wind River Casino for supper Tuesday night-dining out on election night is a tradition for them-they vote after Janet gets off work. Then they called-things were sliding because their neighbor's barn caught fire. Mr Norwood does maintenance for the Fremont County Library system and he called Guy to go help his wife because he was at a far away library. So Guy took his tractor and went to haul equipment away from the barn and save what he could.  After waiting awhile I headed up there in time to take this crappy photograph. The smoke had just turned white because the first firetruck to arrive had just started pumping water.  We eventually made it to the Casino for a great meal-the place looks brand new-very clean. Had a nice visit.

Thursday was my birthday. It was a very pleasant day-low key. Rich was on his route and called from Lander and we had a pleasant visit and lunch at Archer's-formerly Golden Corral buffet. Matt was the first to call-he still had his morning voice and it is a great voice-he is still doing sidework-announcing, and commercials while his main job is also keeping things interesting. He put up 20 pounds of peaches-canning, drying, freezing. Facebook good wishes and emails, and calls from Lori and Jason and Audrey and Cheryl were welcome. Lori got the gardening bug in Pampa and they are continuing in Florida. Jason is feeling better- has some zip. I took the doggies for a walk in town which they like. Got a nap too. Great day.

My laptop has started to fade I am afraid. It just ups and shuts down sometimes. I did a rollback and it seems to have helped somewhat but not entirely.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just because I ought to

I am alive and well, enjoying 40 degree mornings, snuggling with the dogs at night, doing some reading and continuing the sorting out and pitching away process.  The smoke etc. resulted in a nasty sinus inection which I made short business of with antibiotics and sleep-though a day and a half just disappeared on me and now my sleep cycles are disturbed.

Jason seems to have recovered somewhat-after four weeks of misery. He had a sinus infection that went rogue-he has an open ended antibiotic prescription. The infection went into every part of his body and sub-cellular.He was pretty mum about his health but he sounded chipper when he finally did call. And truth to tell I would have been even more worried had I known what was going on.  Matthew continues to delight me with his Facebook entries: some hysterical, some deep, some touching, but all Matt.

My Internet connection is now smoking-very fast. I wonder if the change in plan made some difference. Surely Verizon wouldn't have choked me down to increase their revenue. Surely banks wouldn't manipulate interest rates to increase their profits. You know we are well and truly scr***d.

The dogs are frisky in the mornings and evenings and highly entertaining. The cool really agrees with them.  It has also cleared out most of the flies and mosquitoes. The smoke creeps back but not as bad as it was. I have never welcomed wind quite as much as lately.

I was in twilight stage this a.m. and evidently hungry because I made a plan to go to the Olympian for breakfast. Too bad it is 2500 miles away.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fair to partly smoky

The smoke from forest fires in the region settled into the valley and environs. I was pretty much confined to the house relying on the aspen pads in the swamp cooler to filter the air. Nonetheless, I was battling congestion and air intake issues. A trip to town made me feel pretty bad. Buddy was sniffing air from the air conditioner in the car, I've been having to remove "eye boogers" from both dogs and blowing my own nose frequently. Rich thinks the smoke is from the Ferris Mountain fire which is about 60 miles from here. It seemed like perpetual dusk all day long. We are having a  little rain and wind right now I hope it clears the air and the lightning doesn't start more fires. 

Rich went to Salt Lake from his business trip to Rock Springs. He went to see our last Mason  cuzaunt and uncle who are enjoying(?) longevity genes. I think it was an anniverary-75th? I became persona non grata during the last election. I decided, correctly I think, that mean, bigoted, or just plain ignorant emails, if left unanswered, made me an accepting accomplice. The merde hit the propeller. I tried to carry on but in our regular correspondence therafter, an undercurrent of vitriol became evident. So I did the math: Subtract a person from my life, what is the result?  Entirely affordable. In any case, Rich enjoyed the visit.

The nine dollar battery arrived and seems just fine. perked up the phone, too-it seems to have a better signal.

The bags of detritus are accumulating. I have unearthed a few treasures also.  Thursdays seem to be my catch up on sleep days. The dreams have been interesting-they seem to be backward looking but not unpleasant. I wonder if it is not some mechanism of aging.  I hope it is some method of refreshing memories rather than brain rot.

Jason has been fighting illness ever since he got back from Texas. He mentioned a doctor and more antibiotics. I  inquire but he is not very forthcoming.  I want him well! Matt seems to be reveling in his garden produce and a new deck in the backyard. He is quite the urban farmer. Three allowable chickens are providing cackleberries.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cattle Drive!

My buddy Tye on Nellie

Camey on my buddy Duke
Thayne and Trooper
Daryne and Tye on the 4-wheeler, Kristi saddles up
 Twenty four owly heifers barely managed by eight cowboys were moved up to "Frankie's pasture." The cows were not used to this and young so they were prone to bolt and turn around and scatter but in the end, headed up the road. Honey tried to help put them back in the pasture-not helpful.

Two dog nights: With the night time temperatures hovering around 50 degrees it was necessary to add another dog on the bed. Honey starts out there but usually starts to pant and she heads for the porch. She has been sticking on these cool nights. I've been making her come in about 10:00 because she is very conscientious and will work all night if allowed. She is friskier with a good night's sleep as are we all. Her hair is starting to grow back over her mostly healed wounds. The dogs do enjoy the adventures here-something to chase, something to bark at, the ditch to wade in.

My main cell phone-due for an upgrade in October has a really dodgy battery-about one good call and it dies. I've been trying to get by as the original long-life battery was $65.00. But I checked out Amazon and found one for $9.00! I will spend that gladly. It should arrive momentarily. Will it be any good? Should be. .Amazon has been entertaining me. Five good mysteries of foreign extraction: Three featuring Kurt Wallendar, a Swedish detective, Two featuring DI Thorne in London and environs. and an ebook first novel set in the Il Centro area-funny and lots of action. It has since gone to paper. I think this is wonderful. People self publishing on Amazon and getting picked up based on success. 

I stopped for a visit with Delores and Don. back from their stay in West Virginia. It was an adventure this year and they loved it. When the power went out for nine days, the National Guard was right on top of it-brought them water and MRE's (meals ready to eat), and they cooked two hot meals  daily at the armory-breakfast and dinner which they attended. Couldn't say enough good about those boys. Her brother found a generator for them. A "Ho" moved into the neighborhood providing humor, speculation and a little tutting but mostly  entertainment for the neighbors. They had a good visit with Jayne and our other friends near Wingrove. I am glad I stopped there once upon a time because it provides a lot of context for the tales.
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Hail the Olympics

It seems the opening of the Olympics was a spectacle to behold-at least the Internet tells me so.Since the advent of digital TV, NBC doesn't reach the heart of the reservation. Similarly, the Web  connection is marginal. I sent back the Samsung unopened as I discovered that instead of  replacing the WiFi device that  wasn't usable, they upgraded my most ancient cell phone for two years. I am going to drop some lines under the new plan. When they were $10.00 apiece it was one thing. Now it is another. By waiting until October, I can make some economies.

The weather has been perfect. Occasionally I have to layer up due to coolness. It is also cozy to put my blanket up to cover my shoulders when I go to bed. Buddy is a snuggler and we warm each other. Honey is on semi-duty-on the back porch barking through the night when alerting. She joins us late in the night. I am sleeping well though I ran a deficit this week and slept most of the 26th away-seems it was a prelude to a bug which has thankfully gone on its way.

With the irrigation waters come the mosquitos. I am going to fog today because the evenings are ruined by them.

I am making decent progress on the dunging out. Not spectacular, but steady. I at least have a vision of how I would like it to turn out.

Two or three times a week I venture to town. I coordinate my time to take advantage of the Senior early bird special at Archer's buffet. I can round out my diet with green stuff and other varieties for $6.37. Haven't been to the Casino for my freebies yet. I will start this Tuesday.  Mr Brown and Ms. Friday from the tribe were here to get my approval of the new road. As they will spare all the trees on my side of the fence, I said "go for it."

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Great Day

Mike and Diana decided they wanted to cook at home for our Friday evening. Mike cooked on the grill: pork loin chops, mixed grill veggies-so good I over-ate of them, mangoes, salad- with Greek and avocado overtones, bread, wine.  This served in their sanctuary. They have done so many neat things to their home which overlooks Ocean Lake on one side, the Owl Creek mountains from their dining room. and the Wind River range from their picture window. Their foliage is mature, their outdoor spaces inviting. They  have been busy. So nice to see them enjoying retirement though they are still keeping a hand in-Mike is consulting and Diana has a third book in incubation. She and Mike did a promotional video that is very professional.

With a glow on from this encounter, I made my way back across the rez and as I passed Ethete, I said "Whoa, what is going on over there?"  The Northern Arapaho tribe was hosting a powwow. I went. I did not have an optimum camera for night photos but I tried. I do love a powwow. Watched three specialty dances, the tiny tots, and a giveaway before a grand Inter-tribal. This was a stroke of luck-the Northern Arapahos always "counter-program." They have their shindigs when there are other attractions for the looky-lous. Riverton was hosting a car show as part of Rendezvous days.

Now it is Sunday and after a "Charles Kuralt" hour on the deck, I commit this to you.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life on the rez

For the doubters of genetics, I offer this photo of my sister in law, Nan, her daughter Bragg, and my former wife Eve taken in Denver a little over a week ago.  Nan's car has been repaired by GEICO at their service center for about what I thought it should have cost when I gave her cash.  About half of the independent body shop estimates. They will get it tomorrow. I hope it is satisfactory and that will end this unhappy episode. Galen and Nan have been peaches about the whole thing.

Honey is on the back porch barking attesting to her feeling better. Her wounds are healing. She is being good about the pills this time but hides from the topical medicine which is mixed up according to a secret formula by a Native American here on the rez. It is good stuff- they gave me some for Buddy when he was injured and I used it myself.

We walked the top 40 today. I realized in Wal-Mart yesterday that I needed to get on the walking path again. The dogs go without leashes and have a good time. They amuse me so it is good for us all. Feglers have put culverts in some strategic places so it easier for a senior citizen to walk down there without  getting in water or mud. Of course they put them in to facilitate getting the hay wagon down there.

The  mifi internet connection continued to give me fits so I called Verizon tech assistance and ended up getting  a new phone which also acts as a wireless hub. I think the new plan is going to save me money besides. Greg asked me if I remembered the old phones that were on the kitchen wall and cost $19.00 per month. Of course I do. Greg and Lew are having a good summer in upstate New York.. They decided they were going to fatten a couple of cows-the cows went to the state land-11000 acres.  Stay tuned.

Received email from Andre and Nicole. They are have a good summer on Lake Champlain. Good weather this year.

Talked to Dennis and Ida-they took their critters to Story. WY for a vacation.

Matt called-we had a good visit. He is getting a lot of good veggies from his garden and is enjoying cooking them creatively. Facebook is a boon in his case because he uses it and it  gives us something to talk about
instead of "whatcha been doin'."

Had a pretty good chat with Jason as he was close to home in Florida. This trip TX to FLwas like our trip out in reverse. Big rains in Florida. He is still not well and did the trip in two days. He says he is going to the doctor. We'll see.

Going out to dinner with long time friends Mike and Diana on Friday. Looking forward to that!
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Crap Day

Jason called-he has had about of pleurisy that the doc- in- the- box in Pampa seems to be curing. I hate that he got sick. It sounded very painful. He told me that my sister-in-law had contacted him about her car door and the cost was in excess of $2000.00. I had estimated about $1000.00 and was paying for it out of pocket. So I changed tack and submitted it to GEICO and so far it has sailed smoothly.  When the next premium comes due-we will see.

Honey got mugged by two big dogs who were definitely in her territory. Thayne came down after that and was coincidentally observing those dogs. I thought they were the Delaunay's dogs but he could see their dogs where they were supposed to be. He is missing a calf and has suspicions of these marauding dogs.  Trip to the vet and $376.00 later...that included shots for them both. Honey is still sore and out of it from the anaesthetic. I have a couple of .410 shells with those dog's names on them. Won't kill them but it will give them a stinging lesson. I am glad I took her to the vet-the only sore I could see was on her front shoulder. Her hind end  was seriously bitten. There is so much fur there I would have missed it.Pills and liniment for days to come. Crap!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Getting settled on the old homestead

A place has a way of getting into your blood (soul?, heart?). This place is mine. So thrilling to sit on the deck with morning coffee and view the countryside.  Although the town seems  more prosperous and some attention is being paid to aesthetics, the contrast between here and Florida is a bit of a jolt-I am so fortunate to have both in my life.

I have been a busy bee. I had to get my loppers and trim trees to gain access to the house without poking out an eye.  I had to cut weeds to make sure my van's exhaust didn't set fire to them. The well started right up but I am in the process of sterilizing it. We are drinking bottled water. I left the place in a mess and the good fairies did not come. Too much stuff-ten pounds of mud in a five pound sack. I'm playing "pitch till you win." The weather has been cooler than  I am used to so I was in no hurry to take the swamp cooler out of mothballs. But yesterday, instead of the storm it appeared to be, we got a "dry thunderstorm" and the temperature spiked with the warm, strong winds. Swamp cooler installed.

Rich came to town and we had lunch-very nice.. Feglers trucked their cows to the summer range above Dubois yesterday which allows the pastures down here to be irrigated. So I helped Thayne clear ditches. Honey and Buddy barked at the rising water and then played in it-so funny to watch and it made them feel good and wild with play. Thayne is banged up. He was spraying weeds in the pasture and the bull that is down here servicing 21 heifers, is a bit of a pet. Thayne scratched his head a couple of times then the bull tossed his head and threw him four feet. Face and ribs bruised to purple. He got checked out and was given painkillers but he is still hurting. Yawning or sneezing causes agony.

The Internet has been problematic. My wifi doesn't work for beans. I am connected  now by tethering my Droid to the laptop.

Feeling fine-all systems are going. The altitude is not a problem that I can discern. Delores called from West Virginny yesterday. They got clobbered by that big storm. They had been without power for nine days. They had a generator and aunt Jayne had a chamber pot in her stock of antiques. Don was able to do without his oxygen somewhere in Iowa. All are doing well and enjoying the adventure.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July Pampa

We were blessed with my former wife Eve, her brother T and Lillian, and her sister Nan among other family members from Lori's side. A very pleasant visit all around. The temps had dropped from 106 to mid 90's so it was a wonderful day for the party. Lori's hard work on the gardens paid off handsomely with some fresh blooms -Hibiscus as big as salad plates and bushes coming into full bloom. Hannah, Lori  and Joy, her mom had shopped for party supplies and decorations and I did a bit of running too. Running into my sister in law's car was kind of the lowpoint for me. Lori's sister in law, Janet, baked a great cake, nephew Casey decorated it,. Others dropped in. I am rather proud of the photographs of the diving by Clinton and Cameron, Jess and others. Click on the piture to see the album.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Going West to Camp Pampa

Easiest trip west ever-Jason drove. We started in the midst of a tropical storm (Debbie) stayed in Live Oak, Florida the night before it was swamped with 15 inches of rain and hit the front pages as the latest disaster. We lost the rain in the Florida Panhandle and had clear sailing with some wind all the way to camp Pampa- Jason and Lori's Texas retreat.   Lori has gobs of family in the area and they drop in a lot-to her delight. Her mom, her brothers, nieces and nephews, and assorted relatives are all a congenial lot-very enjoyable. Lori and her niece Hannah have a special relationship  and got pedicures as well as shopped for party stuff for the 4th of July. Pictures at the link:

06242012 to Pampa n Pampa

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Weeks are Whizzing By

It seems I am cleaning for the cleaning lady every other day but it is just once a week. In between times we cope with the weather which is no big deal-the water is keeping the foliage green and no chatter about water restrictions yet!  I will walk the dogs in a light drizzle and I poncho up in a disposable rain poncho yellow in color- Big Bird walks the dogs. I am about halfway to my targeted 10 pound loss. Dr. Cohn mentioned that number and I thought it do-able. He will move the goalpost again I am sure. I have read forty something books this summer-mostly on the Kindle but some of the ink on paper kind too.  There is solace (or despair) in reading turn of the last century literature. The same themes that consume us today consumed them-the status of women (they didn't have the vote even back then), the haves and have- nots, social justice, robber barons and union organizers. Love and romance were conducted more politely, vocabularies were ever so much richer- language used more precisely. Human concerns have not changed that much-so much for progress!

Had a great talk with Nicole and "dear Andre" as she calls him. They gypsied around the West-10,000 miles and are now back home in Montreal and commuting  to work on the sailboat for their summer on Lake Champlain. It was so very nice to talk with them. Nicole is again caring for her sister-in-law and others. Therese has accepted her "new normal" without Rene' and seems to be doing fine.

Good chat with Richard: Our kinda sorta cousin is recovering from bladder cancer surgery with her kids in California. Susie is such a peach I hate to hear of anything bad. His kids and Val's kids are doing well it is interesting to watch. Alicia is buying a house in Casper, Val's daughters are all in Costa Rica last we know, working on a chocolate farm.  Justin has good days and bad days depending on the choices he makes. Heather and Tom are perking along.

Jason called with a report on Trish's visit and he posted pictures of her birthday. The British invasion of the Texas Panhandle was the theme. They had a hoot. Will have cocktails with Trish this week to look at her pictures. Jason and Lori were then off to Wichita Falls, TX for a Grange family reunion. Judging from the pace of the Words with Friends games they are at leisure and home alone in Pampa.
Whiteflies have mutated and are now attacking palms. I have been busy here and at Jason's trying to discourage them.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Backyard Birds

 Just like home in Wyoming, home in Florida sports a bird section with bath and feeders. Aside from the Doves and Blackbirds the varieties are different and fascinating to me. The blackbirds are either choosy about their grub or messy eaters so a partnership with the doves has been formed. The blackbirds slop away and the portly doves graze upon the dropped seed.
Ringneck Dove

In terms of pecking order it appears the bluejays trump all the regulars, next are the blackbirds though the northern Mockingbirds will get their backs up and run them all off.  The doves are peace loving but will fluff feathers in a bluff. The cardinals are ever ready to fly-kind of skittish.

Regular Customers
After our company last week, I quickly did a reload-washed the linens and Luila made the beds. She is so willing- I asked her to help me do it and she shooed me away.  The better I know her, the better I like her. Now that she is a citizen, her hubby is applying with her help. I sincerely hope he is a good man. Luila's dad left when she was 7 and she rarely saw him until she reached 17 when all of a sudden he became interested and she came to visit him in Florida. She was raised by her grandmother on the ground floor and her mother upstairs in Brazil so she did not suffer privation nor lack of guidance. Her dad quickly had her apply for a student loan for training in the health field but she lacked the English to survive. His hubby's wife was mean to her because she was maidenly and studied. She gained weight but stayed on the straight and narrow. Finally she couldn't stand it there any more and roomed with several families from her church. She lost weight and married and seems to like him and they make decisions together. She cleans (very conscientiously) has a sporty red VW Jetta of fairly recent vintage and they rent in Tivoli Park which is definitely not the ghetto. Imagine making your way in a foreign country when you are 17. She is kind and cheerful and plays gospel music on her cell phone while she cleans.  I admire her.

I have had good phone this week. Greg and Lew are enjoying their property in New York- more fruit trees planted, planting veggies, (it is just spring there-trees are budding out) catching their fish in their pond and elsewhere, harvesting asparagus as fast as they can (Greg has planted rows and rows) building a retaining wall,  and relaxing.

Matt called on his way to Sacramento for a workshop on I.D.s real and fake-they are getting more sophisticated. He will be the trainer for Oregon. He sounded good and is looking forward to his boat trip to Bimini with Jason in June.

Internet communiques with Delores,-(getting ready to decamp to West Virginia with Don and her granddaughter.)  They will take the train which is an adventure in itself. They have to drive to Granby, CO to catch it.  It is right pricey besides but she, like me, will do anything to avoid St. Louis in an automobile.

Also with Janet who was right newsy and sent me some excellent pictures of Branding this year. Her mom has me on her speed-dial in Lander, WY as well as another Steve she knows. So I get occasional calls starting out: "What on earth is going on over there!" or "I forgot to pay you for those eggs!" We have a good laugh and catch up on the news.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

05092012 Dennis Ida Visit Deerfield

Click on the picture for the web album. Denis and Ida went to their niece's graduation in Ames, Iowa and decided to add a Florida leg to be the first to try out the Roberts  (private) B&B. It went swimmingly if I do say so myself.  We were very compatible-they love animals, enjoy a good siesta after lunch, good food, and a cocktail. In addition to seeing the sights in the web album, we enjoyed a trip to the dog park,  doing a little shopping,  a pretty healthy series of thunderstorms which coincided with nap time, a trip to Jason and Lori's and boat watching. I think they enjoyed my house-especially the Florida room where recliners, plants and soft Classical music are conducive to good naps.   We walked a lot which helped balance the hefty caloric intake. Being "of a certain age" we also enjoyed hanging out and yakking in all of the cozy nooks. I got them to the airport on Friday afternoon and promptly got lost in Fort Lauderdale. GPS'd my way home.  Great fun having old friends for company-who is next?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reduced to Blogging

For the second day we have been inundated with precipitation. The doggies just went for their probably only walk for the day. We walked to the Pet Supermarket and bought treats-Buddy picked out a bag of Peanut Butter treats that were evidently more intriguing at the store than here at home.  The pups are quite spoiled-I have been mixing up trips to the dog park in Pompano with our walks.  They love the dog park and are quite well-behaved and seem to be growing in socialization with dogs and humans.

With the kids in Texas, our routines are different-or I should say non-existent but that is OK too. I have been puttering around. The canopy on my "Fortress of Solitude" collapsed under the weight of rain so I improvised another with a canvas dropcloth ($29.00). There are so many bungy cords that I suspect if a big wind came just the right way, there would be a huge "SPROINGGGG" and the darn thing would be catapulted into the Atlantic Ocean. It is getting the acid test this weekend-so far, so good. Have also been gussying up a few things. Yard art, solar lights, Vines, repotting some plants.  Continuing to read and play Word with Friends with my Texas kids. We are addicted and it is reassuring for us all to know the others are alive and well and playing cut-throat games.

Med checkups this past week. According to my device, there have been no Cardiac incidents-this makes 14 months.  Dr Cohn's exhaustive tests indicate I am holding my own in other departments-he wants more in therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC he calls it, I call it torture.) But I will do my best.

I am excited to be having company! Denis and Ida from Casper are going to their niece's graduation in Bettendorf, I believe, then adding a leg to come to South Florida.

My cousin Russel and his wife and another couple have been doing Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Russ is a great camera man with a good sense of humor so I have been getting travelogues on the web.  Likewise with Nicole and Andre traveling the west. The other Andre and Nicole are back in Montreal and shivering. 

Life is good.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Eggs

Drat-my whole narrative vanished into thin air.  Check back later.
O.K. I have sulked for a week. That is long enough. Now we will see what I can remember without the aid of notes. Juneau and Buddy on their last day together for awhile (below). Jason and Juneau loaded into the BMW and headed for Texas to Join Lori who flew on the 3rd. Jason will come for a visit in mid- June-he has organized a trip to Bimini in the boat with his brother and some friends. I am hopeful of catching a glimpse of Matt. The J's arrived in Texas after two days-the sort of trip I get scolded for. Jason puts the pedal to the metal and stays in dog-friendly La Quinta's. I drive the limit and stay in Flying J parking lots.

Jason's last days here were busy, busy. He decided to give up his consultancy with Campus Management so he is no longer working the phones, etc. He was feted by his colleagues and management. They wrote messages on a shirt-some heartfelt, some funny, some touching. He was pleased with the party and the gift.  He also was readying the Boca property for sale. He had really good renters who got transferred so he cleaned, powerwashed, painted, re-did hardware and carpet in a mad dash. The powerwasher tried to commit suicide by vibrating into the pool. I think it is fixable but I am not sure. He squeezed in a few lunches and dinners with his closer friends and we went  to lunch at a new place in Pompano.  I am missing them all.
Where we had lunch - Bonefish Mac's. Yummy Fish and Chips. Jason had the start of a beard going. I wonder if it will prosper.
Lori hit the ground running in Texas. She had 16 for  Easter-mostly family and a carry-in for food. She said they had a ball.  She was able to see nephew Casey advance to regionals in Track.

My nephew Justin is at large with permission to be so. He is still muddled about some things. The rehab facility had certain milestones in his brain injury recovery plan. Among them:  fixing a meal from scratch, and cleaning self and surroundings-the activities of daily living. The way he sees it is the staff was lazy and he had to do everything to run the place. Bless his heart and  Rich and families-they do not have an easy path for months ahead. Niece Alicia has a home of her own in Casper now and for Junior, her St. Bernard. Speaking of St. Bernards there was one and a black Newfoundland at the Dog Park in Pompano. The Newfie, four months old, thought Miss Honey was quite fetching. She did quite well at refusing his advances without ripping his throat out.  She was a lady.

It has been "fleet week" here in the compound. Vehicle maintenance. I stopped in at Advance Auto Parts, which is restored after it burned. I wanted to price deep cycle batteries for the RV to replace the very weak old ones. I lucked into a sale-$69.00 apiece as opposed to about $100 minimum per copy. So I did that. Washed the van-I didn't really think it was dirty-but it was. Did it in a light rain as I am wont to do-Mother nature helps with the rinse.
But enough about me- How about you?
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Testing picture uploads

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Springtime in the Tropics

Things are starting to pop-get lush

"Slight chance of showers" became 2 inches of rain.
 The kids brought filets and trimmings from the Fresh Market Friday and we broke bread here, Mighty fine food. The occasion was part of Lori's long goodbye as she prepared to depart for Amarillo/Pampa, TX. She revels in being with her family and they have an ambitious social calendar this year. She departed today and got stopped in Dallas. They had tornadoes there and made everybody disembark and hide behind a brick wall. The storms also had hail and some 250 airplanes have to be inspected: they said leaving on Thursday was probable but chancy. Jason got on the web here and found a Southwest flight  to Amarillo that will get in at 10 p.m. tonight but it was departing from a town 30 miles away. So Lori took a cab!

As evidenced above, I took the weather forecast as gospel Saturday and spent half a day watering shrubs and trees. Then in the afternoon it rained buckets. We got our walks in after one false start. We are ranging farther and wider- pretty much 2 miles a day.  We go at a good clip but of course have rest stops.

I enjoyed the NCAA championships. Some great basketball and athletes.  The CMA's are not my first love but I enjoyed them too- Good music is good music. The PBS stations down here are having pledge drives and I really enjoy those music shows too- O.F. nostalgia time.

Somehow I developed a carbuncle on my shoulder blade. A carbuncle is a cluster of boils. Not being able to see it and thinking it was a common zit, I gave it a squeeze. Big mistake. As my doctor is celebrating Passover in Israel I went digging in the old medicine cabinet because I was feeling crummy, and had aches wherever my poor body had experienced an insult over the past 60 years. I have kept complications at bay but I am going on ten days and my shoulder is still sore-other places not so much. That is probably too much information!

Apparently son Matt received the "Top Student " Award at his month-long stint at Oregon State Law Enforcement Academy.One of his classmates congratulated him on Facebook. Otherwise I would still be in the dark. He tends to "hide his light under a bushel." I do check his Facebook page often because he is either thought provoking or hilarious.  His friends are half-witty too.

I am also enjoying the birds-evidently water and feeder say "Welcome."  Buddy gets annoyed at the blackbirds and chases them away. The Mourning and Ringneck Doves are unmolested and fat-walking around eating spillage from the feeder. I was thrilled to see a Cardinal.  My resident birds include two pairs of Mockingbirds who sing often and are very territorial. I was wondering if somebody were poisoning the squirrels because they haven't been teasing the dogs. Then I saw a Mockingbird dive-bombing a poor squirrel. The squirrel was makin' tracks.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Flatland Furriners!

Sherwin Williams top performers chillaxxin before they start barfin'
 Sherwin-Williams had a reward holiday for their top performers at the Boca Resort, (negotiated room rate $500.00 per night). My niece Sara and her husband Anthony came a little early and so we had some time with them last weekend. Jason picked them up at Ft. Lauderdale airport and we met at 234 on the beach for cocktails and dinner,  Sara seems comfortable in her own skin for the first time since I have known her (all her life)-very enjoyable visit.  Jason offered to take them out on the boat and they asked two other couples to come along.  It was minutes after they hit the open sea when two of the ladies started hanging their heads over the side. Jason turned it into a scenic excursion rather than the fishing trip it was billed as. He pulled right up to the resort dock to pick them up-very lah-di dah until the barfing began.
Jason's Sushi plate at 234 restaurant on the beach
Niece Sara with her her husband Anthony.

Sunday they were headed back home to Lubbock, Texas.

I finally connected with my friends Andre and Nicole (not the ones in the west but the retired cop and his wife.) He is a consummate fisherman and used to invite me to wonderful fish suppers at John Prince Park. I invited them down and cooked steak for them (that has always been our trade). They are looking great-very fit and enjoying their lives. Honey and Buddy played wildly, amusing us all and Buddy almost got stolen. They are working their way slowly back to Montreal after the 30th. I enjoyed seeing them. After a little time at home they will go to their summer place on a lake.

Some Wyoming friends are making tentative noises about visiting Florida. It got me motivated to unfold the sofa bed in the Florida room. I put those felt sliders under the legs so now it is a cinch to shift it a couple of feet. Then it will unfold and very little else needs to be moved. I went to Target for a little bedding- a soft-top mattress cover and queen sheets. It got a little test in the afternoon and I slept there last night. Very satisfactory. I think I will sleep there if I get four visitors at once. That leaves my queen and two singles and full bath in one wing of the house. I have a half bath in this end and with my nightly wakenings it will probably be best. Besides, it is a low bed.  and  the doggies can step right up.  Fun.

Matt finishes up Police Academy this weekend. I am thinking he will be glad it is over.
Lori is getting to decamp for Texas. Jason is working to get one of his properties ready to sell. His long-term tenants got transferred

Nephew Justin's  head injury recovery is not going smoothly. He keeps trying to escape the rehab place. Meetings were going to be held. We can hope and support but he is 24 years of age.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday March 19th

The mailman brought a packag from Arizona with a western motif nightlight courtesy of Andre and Nicole who are touring the west.  Andre told me once that his favorite film was "City Slickers," he wanted to live the legend.  Of course they couldn't miss the fact that I have nightlights everywhere because I need the light to orient myself in the dark. Otherwise I fall down.

Today was Luila's day to clean so I was up early to walk the dogs, and get some cleaning in before she hit the door.  I vacuum with the Dyson before she gets here to save her vacuum. She has a good one but I can get a full canister of dog hair before she even begins. The doggies and I are pretty much banished from the house while she gets after it. So, I cleaned the garage, fertilized the plants and watered them by hand-which I do once a week anyway. The girl is good- She finds dirt I don't even know about. She cleaned my keyboard!

I made soup from the corned beef broth and oversalted myself. I am in the process of desalination as I write. If I had thought....
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day 2012

Cabbage head? I made corned beef and cabbage for the celebration.

Matt got to go home from the Law Enforcement Academy for the weekend. It sounds like they are working him over-very physically demanding and he was in good shape when he left for it.. Spoke to my Audrey and she enjoys her birthday presents. I really miss them.

Jason got back from Phoenix-he is on the board of a college there. Lori came early and late for dogwalking. We have good visits. Beautiful mornings to walk and daylight savings means we are pretty cool at both ends.

Justin is out of the woods medically but there are many questions: He can play video games as well as ever but he is not up to snuff on some other things. He needs to be accompanied 24/7 for awhile. Richard does not cope with uncertainty very well. (Does anybody?) One.. foot... in... front...of...the...other, gets us through most things.