Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hump Day

I measure hump day by Cardio-Rehab. My weight was up, my blood pressure was up and nurse Lisa was up about those being up. She made me start on the Nu-Step which is not as hard as the treadmill for me. I eventually got to the treadmill. No edema but some fluid retention is going on somewhere.  Tomorrow's weigh-in will tell the story.  Meanwhile I am eating low, low salt. I don't know where I screwed up but the result seems to indicate I did.

Nicole has been threatening to cook spaghetti for over a year. They will all come here tomorrow afternoon. I told them all this place needs is some good memories to furnish it.I will have the smallest dab of sauce.  I have music! A tuner by Panasonic. There are some good stations down here. 

Jason came here a little while ago and we gave the doggies a good walk-or did they give us one? Enjoyable for all and healthy besides. I kind of lurch in the darkness but I have remained upright so far.. We had a great rain yesterday and a little one today. With the breeze it was just the right degree of cool tonight.

Reading a Kay Scarpetta Medical Examiner, mystery. Enjoyable.