Thursday, March 31, 2011


The only lasting souvenir of Matt and Audrey's visit is a cold/flu bug that Lori and I are fighting off, Jason is recuperating from a nasty bout of, and Audrey is having a relapse to-she brought it and took it home. But she was a delight in between. Here she is having her Florida birthday party and she got Barbie stuff as requested. I took Matt cigar shopping for his (Feb 24) birthday. We saw some cigars being made. It was very interesting. Love my kids!!!!
Lori instigated a party for Joe-88 years old who has moved in with neighbors Marsha (daughter-in -law) and Bob, (son). The party was at Steve and Mariela's -a wonderful re-run on 35 pound of oysters and Marsha had a variety of dishes catered. Joe and Bob are Italian and that is the way the menu leaned. It was great. Joe had said he wanted "Tan shoes with pink shoelaces" for his birthday. We worked hard at that and the song also mentions a hat with purple hat band. It was a great party. Joe felt special and he also got a Hoveround Scooter. Watch out ladies!