Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oyster Bake

dead soldiers- all mine.

Jason and Lori's neighbors Steve and Mariela decided to throw an oyster bake Friday night. Marsha brought her Italian soup and fresh bread. It was a first oyster bake for several of us and I hope it is not my last. The oysters went on the grill and they opened up (sometimes) as they were done. Some mighty fine dining. Soup too! We enjoyed Steve's Tiki Hut complete with bar and television. Their place is right next to the water and offers a completely different perspective of familiar territory. The Nebraska visitors were impressed.

Our host was pretty proud of himself and his culinary skills

Bob's  dad Joe (Marsha's husband) is 88 and the women were all over him.

Can you make them dance? Lori and the Cabernet asked.
 Bob and Doris left Saturday mid-day and the remaining Florida households are catching up with themselves. Jason and Lori came over yesterday late afternoon- a fine cool one and we walked this interesting neighborhood with the dogs. Jason went to David's for a poker party last evening and Lori and I stayed at our respective homes and played "Words with Friends" until I faded. I fade fast these days-all of a sudden I am done.

I got a good report card from Cardio Rehab.  My visit with Dr. Rosenbaum resulted in an appointment to get "Cardioverted" this week. (Shocked)  I'll get my protime test early Monday a.m. to check my coumadin level.  I am hoping this will do the trick and I will stay in rhythm. The next step, if it fails, sounds drastic to me.

Today was a very normal day. I cleaned up my garage a little, cleaned up my van a lot and re-installed a lot of my electronics. Cooked salt-free ghoulash, vacuumed the house. Played "Word," put up "Beware of the Dog" signs, cleaned off my front porch, took the dogs for a ride to buy thumbtacks.
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